Friday, June 13, 2008

I Love Lists!

I'll just get it out in the open right now since I didn't do much of an introduction about myself last time, like my friends really needed it, but I'm a little bit of an organizing freak. And I might have underestimated the little and the bit just a little bit.

So while we're on the subject I'm also a little bit OCD, again prior reference apply. And I love lists! Handwritten lists, checklists, grocery lists, homeschool lists, my homemade computerized Wal-Mart and Sam's Club lists...I make lists when we travel, when we have to move, for Hubby if we're going somewhere separately so he remembers what to take when I leave the house first. Hubby is not a list maker. That is all I will say on that matter.

Well, Karen over at The Master Plan is having an exciting contest to win an online interactive Master Plan of Lists, Lists, and more Lists. Ooh! I would like to win that and satisfy some insane left brain tendencies for a while. Here's the link to her contest here. If you don't win, because I sure hope I do, you can purchase it right now at $10 off if you go to The Master Plan. You can also see the complete table of contents and some sample pages.

Another day will bring my obsession with baskets, bins, organizing, and labeling. I think I mentioned OCD?

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, you are the winner! Please give me your email address and The Master Plan will be yours!


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