Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Talk About a New Mug, or Two, or Three, or Four

Hubby started getting these Starbucks mugs for me when he traveled to Seattle and went to Pike Place, the location of the first Starbucks. Now as he travels through different airports he checks out the Starbucks to see if they have the city's skyline mug available. We have a friend who is now on a mission to help me get different ones, and even carries my list of what I already have with him. These are the ones he brought me tonight to Sparky's softball practice - Philadelphia and Atlantic City.

On my way home Hubby called with a "Yay Me" story. He flew through Cleveland tonight on his way to Detroit. On the stopover he went in the Starbucks and they had a Cleveland mug, and the sales clerk told him a funny story about the box they opened with the Austin mug in it. Well, I don't have Austin yet, so Hubby said he'd like to take a look at it. When he told the clerk he'd like to get it too (he'd already paid for his Cleveland mug and drink purchase), the guy said, "Just take it. Would you like a box for it?" Woo Hoo! Hubby is flying back through Memphis on Wednesday. Wonder if they have one?

These mugs are 18 ounce mugs. 18 ounces! I love to drink my coffee from a big mug, not some dainty little thing. These mugs fit the bill.

To see what others are saying this Talk About Tuesday, go visit Lara at The Lazy Organizer. She's having a giveaway.


  1. You just gotta love a twofer! What a thoughtful guy.

  2. Those are great!

  3. Hi! Thanks for leaving your comment, I'm so glad you've been coming by my blog. Yours looks like one I'll be coming by often, too. I noticed that you've been homeschooling for a long time. I'm getting ready to start with kindergarten with my daughter this fall, so maybe you'll have some good tips for me.
    Thanks for the apron giveaway tip--I'm definitely going to check into that! I think aprons are really fun.
    Your mug collection is really great--and what an awesome hubby to help you collect:)

  4. Great mugs--and hooray for a freebie!

    ~ Sarah

  5. Freebies are wonderful! And when it's something you love, that's even better.

  6. Great deal. My husband went to Pike's Place when he was traveling too. I got a picture, not a mug, I don't drink coffee!
    Have a great week!

  7. I finally got signed up for the apron giveaway--what fun!
    Have a great day!

  8. Your button is correctly placed & linked! Thank you! Send me an e-mail at jmlsdi3 at yahoo dot com with your BLOG NAME and mailing address to receive your vintage apron!


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