Wednesday, July 9, 2008

9 on the 9th ~ Unusual Things I'm Thankful For

Virginia has been a tough place for us these past two years. We've made a couple of good friends, but not nearly as many as we usually do. It's like we've been outsiders looking in the whole time and never quite fit in. So I decided for my 9 on the 9th hosted by All That Naz, I'd do a list of some things I'm thankful for, not necessarily about Virginia, although the first one definitely applies.

1. Never having to think about whether I have enough people to get in an HOV lane.

2. Matlock reruns ~ I can't get enough of them. Of course my husband got enough of them about seven years ago.

3. The Sterilite company.

4. My label maker...need I say more?

5. Ikea ~ neat furniture for organization, cheap, and I'M GOING TO LIVE LESS THAN AN HOUR AWAY FROM ONE!!!

6. My children bickering ~ that means I have them with me safe and sound. Although I prefer safe and sound and not bickering, but we've had a rough day.

7. Daisies ~ they put me in my happy place.

8. A flexible real estate agent ~ because the rain keeps postponing all-star little league games, which is postponing our trip to finalize our house.

9. Imitrex ~ how'd they live in the olden days with migraines?

If you'd like to participate in 9 on the 9th or to read what others have listed, go visit Mrs. N at All That Naz.


  1. Daisies are my absolute favorite flower. And - as a former military brat - I truly understand about the relocating. Virginia (I've lived there) can be a tough place to break into if you aren't in the right town. Hugs to you!

  2. Interesting about VA. I lived in Alexanderia and loved it, but never lived in other parts of the state. I too love Daisies and IKEA!! Love that store. Thanks so much for playing along. I don't think I've ever been to your blog before so I am so very glad you found mine.

  3. I love Sterilite, my label maker and IKEA too and they all work really well together unlike bickering children.

  4. I was born in Va, lived there til I was 9 mos. Apparently I didn't mind that time. But, I lived there again from 12-13 and HATED it!!!


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