Saturday, August 9, 2008


Look how huge it is!

It took two pictures and me standing on the top bar of a cart return thingy to show you.

There were U-Hauls in the parking lot. Not just trailers, but trucks. Two floors of browsing, two girls with me, and about five hours later, and I had some fantastic ideas for my new house.

I have to admit I was extremely hesitant when Hubby told me he put in his retirement paperwork, but he really felt a leading from God. For me it was that unknown, me being an obsessive compulsive planner and all, and of course there had been job security for the past 20 years. Well, finally getting that new furniture I was promised after we didn't have to move around and get our other stuff banged up anymore is looking pretty good right now. I found bedroom furniture for some of the kids, maybe all of them depending on if I pick mine out from there or not, storage units galore for all over the house including bookshelves, and do we need bookshelves. And one of my really big homeschool shelves bit the dust when we were moving it out of the truck and into the storage shed last Saturday, so it looks like I'll have to have new storage for my homeschool area. Shucks! I needed more anyway, and now it will just have to match.

What thrills me more than anything is that Sparky picked out furniture she likes. She is very picky. She dislikes more than she likes and she likes very little. And if she finds something she likes, she usually doesn't like pieces that match. That's how we started. She found a dresser, but she really didn't like the bed that went with it, and there were no other beds that would match. We finally saw a bed set up that I had shown her (that she said she didn't like) in a room setting and she liked it. The whole thing! She just needed the visual. I guess she's unable to imagine what something will look like put together and I need to realize that. It's hard for me sometimes to adjust when my children's brains work differently than mine, especially when I'm not even aware of it. Digression aside, Sparky made a good choice.

Have a blessed weekend everyone!


  1. Wow. That is one huge store! I've never been in an Ikea store, but it looks like a place I could kill some time in!

  2. I LOVE Ikea!! I've only been once, but I could furnish my whole house with their stuff. We are actually thinking about redoing the kids' bedrooms for their next birthdays and I'm thinking Ikea is just the place to buy the stuff!

    Happy shopping! Heather


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