Saturday, August 16, 2008

Please Pray For Zoe

I felt compelled to write a quick post before I go to bed tonight, which is actually Saturday morning for me. I read on Lora's blog the other day about a friend's family member whose baby was born early at 34 weeks gestation. The baby is very sick and needs prayers.

Those of you reading my blog who aren't family don't know the pre-birth or birth story of my twin girls, and I probably won't post it in detail until their birthdays in December. To keep it simple, I'll just say that they are truly miracles and were born at 27 weeks gestation...and not close to 28 weeks, they had just hit 27 weeks the day they were born. There were preemie complications, but we did not have to deal with any brain bleeds like baby Zoe (pronounced Zo-ay). After we dealt with the immediate complications following the birth, the girls were able to get stronger and a little older before their tiny bodies had to fight so hard against other stuff, again unlike baby Zoe.

That said, I have chosen not to post comments on Zoe's family's site, because I really don't know what to say. Every situation is so different. We watched a baby born at 30 weeks that should have done much better than our girls die within her first week of life. We know from experience in the NICU that 34 weeks is usually a walk in the park, but not always. Look at this precious baby that is fighting so hard right now. I don't want to say the wrong thing, so I am choosing to say nothing to the family. What I am choosing to do is to ask whoever reads this to pray for Zoe and for the family, and then to spread the word. They are asking for prayers for complete healing of their little baby's body, that he may live a completely normal life. I know from experience with our girls that the power of prayer is the best gift of all.

You can read more about Zoe, get an update, or leave a comment for her family
here. Speaking from my heart and from personal experience, I ask that you also pray for the family's strength during this time, because the Lord will be carrying them through it.


  1. I'll pray for Zoe and am anxious to read your story later. These stories touch me and hit close to home. My sister lost twin boys at 21 weeks.

  2. Thank you for doing a post on Zoe! I know her family so appreciates everyone spreading the word to pray for her.
    I'll look forward to reading the story of your twins! I, too, have a *miracle* story of the premature birth of my daughter. God is so faithful, isn't He?!

  3. Kayren, Thank you so much for posting about Zoe. My family appreciates your (and everyone else's prayers). I am going to be with my sister and Zoe tomorrow. I will post more once I have a chance.

    Thank you for letting me know you are praying.

    God bless,
    Nancy@Chocolate Ink


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