Thursday, August 21, 2008

This Week's House Update

I'm amazed at how quickly the house is progressing. The weather has been cooperative and our building superintendent knows how to get things done in a timely manner without multiple people being in the house stepping on each other. It's been fascinating to watch. If you want to look back at the most recent pictures prior to these, you can look back at this post.

Here was the house after the masonry people had worked for a day. This was last Friday, August 15th.

This is a picture of the house on Monday, August 18th. They don't work on the weekends either. This was just from the work they did that day.

And this is Wednesday, August 20th. It was actually done on Tuesday. I just didn't plan to take the pictures until the next day because I had to go out anyway for the pre-drywall walk-through on Wednesday morning. But of course the insulation guy had parked a big truck in front of the door, so we didn't get to take pictures until Wednesday night. The brick is done, and it's the same level in the back and on the other side as it is over the garage area. The siding will be put on later.

I took this picture to try to show the color of the brick a little better because the sun was behind the house. Caboose is in the driveway.

The original date planned by all parties to have the house finished was around the end of October. Our building superintendent (I heart our building superintendent) said if all things go as planned, it will probably be the middle to the end of September. Yes, September! Tell me I wasn't happy when he told me that!

Our excitement continues to build. Pretty soon there will be inside pictures to share. Most of the ones we have now are with boards, wires, and pipes, and that doesn't make for a very interesting picture. Plus it leaves a little too much to the imagination. Drywall is going up tomorrow, so it won't be long.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how fast it's going up. It looks beautiful!


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