Monday, September 29, 2008


Mari over at My Little Corner of the World gave me this award a couple of weeks ago.

Permio al Esfuerzo Personal is translated to mean Prize to the Personal Effort, and of course there are some rules that go with it.

1. Mention the blog that gave it to you.
2. Comment on their blog to let them know you've posted your award.
3. Publish these rules.
4. Share 6 values that are important to you
5. Share 6 things you do not support.
6. Grant the prize to 6 people.

Six values that are important to me:
1. God
2. My Husband
3. My Family
4. Honesty
5. Integrity
6. Respect

Six things I do not support:
1. Abortion
2. Abuse
3. Lying
4. Evolution
5. False Doctrine
6. Disobedience

Six people I'd like to give this award to:
1. Lora at My Blessed Life
2. Heather at Kicking It In Crazyville
3. Reese at Kicking It In Crazyville
4. Betsy at My Five Men
5. Nancy at Chocolate Ink
6. Jennifer at It's a Bubble Bath Day.

Thank you, Mari. And thanks to all you other girls for having wonderful values!


  1. Well, how fun is this! I've never seen this award before! Thank you so much!

  2. Congrats - you deserve it. I love your values lists!

  3. Wow...two bloggy awards in one weekend. Thanks so much! I'm so honored!

    As for the curly hair...since my pregnancies, my curls have relaxed a bit. Now they're just fickle enough that if there isn't enough humidity, and I DON'T straighten my hair, it just looks unkempt. If there's too MUCH humidity and I DO try to straighten it, well, forget it. It would probably help if I found someone who specializes in cutting curly hair. Then it might look better when left curly. I'll post of the au-naturale look soon so you can see.

    And I just have to do not look 40!!! I was thinking you were in your early 30s...MAYBE.

    Have a great week!


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