Friday, October 10, 2008

Know & Tell Friday: Music Edition

Welcome to Know & Tell Friday: Music Edition! I'm breaking the rules this week. Have you ever noticed that KATF is usually seven questions? Well, this week we are going to have ten. You know why? Because I can.

No, really, there were too many questions I wanted to ask and I couldn't decide which ones to eliminate, plus the last one is sort of a bonus helper question for Heather and Reese. If it works out the way I hope, it also lets you participate in Know & Tell Friday at a future date. In addition, I don't like the number seven. I don't like most odd numbers. The only ones I like very much are three, nine, and twenty-seven. Maybe eighty-one, too, but just because it's the multiple of twenty-seven and three. It goes back to the OCD number thing, and if you don't know what I'm talking about, you're probably just better off not knowing.

Last week I mentioned that Heather had been missing-in-action the week before and to give her a little shout out. I think Reese wanted some special attention, because she skipped KATF last week. Shame on that girl! I think I just won't do KATF for them anymore if they can't even answer the questions I've worked so hard to put together, especially when they already know what they are. Hmmm, you say this is my last week hosting so it doesn't matter anyway? You are absolutely right. It is. I hope those girls both show up!

Okay, kidding aside, thanks for letting me help you out and host KATF these last four weeks, you Crazyville girls. I'll quit the gabbing now. Here are your musical questions:

1. Do you play any musical instruments? If so, which one(s)? If not, is there one you always wanted to know how to play?

I know how to play the piano. I started taking lessons when I was five years old. I never was very good at sight-reading music, and that's the one thing I could change if I could. I've also played handbells since I was in the sixth grade off and on. I even played in a bell quartet at our church in Illinois. Now that was a lot of bells to play per person! Since my arm paralyzed in 2004 I haven't played; my arm is still weak and even though I could play the lighter bells, I'm afraid of dropping one.

By the way, I am a great toe-tapper. I do not play air guitar, although a certain Hubby in our house has been known to.

2. Do you sing well? Do you sing along in the car? Do you use head motions?

Unfortunately I only sing well in my dreams. My sister and cousin got the good-singing genes. I would love to be able to sing well!!! I do sing along in the car, and I do use head motions, and Hubby added that question, probably to embarrass me. He doesn't realize it takes more than that.

3. Who was your teen music crush?

My teen music crush (probably pre-teen really) was Shaun Cassidy. I had the poster and everything. I loved the Bee Gees too. Oh, and their brother Andy Gibb.

4. What is your favorite type of music?

Contemporary Christian music is my favorite type of music, although I do like classic 80's.

5. Who are your three favorite musical artists?

I asked for three because it's always so hard to name one, but narrowing it down to three could be hard too. My three favorites are probably Avalon, FFH, and Various Artists. Got around that one, didn't I?

6. Does your church play traditional or praise songs, or a combination?

Our church plays a combination. It's a nice mix.

7. What is your favorite hymn?

If you had asked me when I was growing up I would have said "Because He Lives" or "People to People" because they were unique. I think now that there are praise songs I enjoy the classic hymns more than the unusual ones. I love "Holy, Holy, Holy" and "Victory In Jesus," but my favorite is probably "It Is Well With My Soul." If you are unfamiliar with the story behind the hymn, I've taken this from Wikipedia:

"This hymn was written after several traumatic events in Horatio Spafford's life. The first was the death of his only son in 1871, shortly followed by the great Chicago Fire which ruined him financially (he had been a successful lawyer). Then in 1873, he had planned to travel to Europe with his family on the S.S. Ville du Havre, but sent the family ahead while he was delayed on business. While crossing the Atlantic, the ship sank rapidly after a collision with another ship, and all four of Spafford's daughters died. His wife Anna survived and sent him the now famous telegram, "Saved alone." Shortly afterwards, as Spafford traveled to meet his grieving wife, he was inspired to write these words as his ship passed near where his daughters had died."

I've known these questions for four weeks, and I've known that this is the hymn I would put down as my favorite. Sunday night at church, we sang this hymn. How cool is that?

8. What is your favorite praise song?

This one could definitely become a long list because I have tons that I love, but I'll put one down and stick with it. Lord Reign In Me.

9. What is the strangest musician's name whose music you like?

I'll go with Hootie and the Blowfish. Remember "Only Wanna Be With You?" Now there is no need to watch this video unless you either absolutely love the song or want to listen for a second to see what it is. And if you do watch it and see the sports scenes at the beginning — no, I haven't gone back to the Sports Edition week. It's the right video. I'd never seen this video before I looked it up tonight even though I grew up in the MTV generation. I was in high school when MTV first debuted, but I never really watched it because it just wasn't my thing. I did listen to the radio in the car and at work though, so I'm familiar with lots of 80's and 90's music. That disclaimer made, watch by your own choice!

Here's the bonus question that you get to answer with a question. What one question would you like for Heather and Reese to ask in a future KATF? Just DON'T answer it yet. It can be something random, something you'd just love to know about everyone else...just whatever floats your boat. Go for it!

What was your first car and how old were you when you got it? How much did it cost?

Well, that's it for this week. Thanks for singing and playing along with us. Hook up with Mr. Linky below. Hope you'll leave a comment too. Don't forget to head straight to Kicking It In Crazyville next week, because the girls get this little carnival thrown right back their way. See y'all around!



  1. Fun questions Kayren, and I agreed completely with a few of your answers!

  2. I'm still chuckling over your issues with numbers:)

    I'm sorry I haven't been able to participate today. I've been gone since early and just got home. I'm not feeling too well, so I think I'm going to lie down.

  3. Haven't finished mine yet but will soon!

    Hey is there a way to just post the questions without your answers as well? It would make it so much faster to copy and paste if we didn't have to erase all the answers first. Just a suggestion!

  4. Jodi, you are so smart! I just wish you'd told me a few weeks ago. I went back and looked at the way Heather and Reese did it just now, and boy, that probably would have been easier for you. Thanks for being a trooper and participating anyway as I muddled through!

    ~ Kayren

  5. So bummed that I missed it again last week...and what a fun set of questions to miss, too!!

    I FINALLY got around to posting the award you gave me a couple of weeks ago, so pop on over and check it out when you get a chance!


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