Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Veteran's Day Surprise!

Lora thought my silence might have meant I was busy moving into my new house. I thought that was funny. No blog post for something like four days and that was silence. I had to giggle a little at that thought. I really am a Chatty Cathy. So much for disguising my true identity...blew the cover myself! But honestly, I had been a little splotchy with posting, skipping a few days in between, so I see her point.

Just to get everyone up to speed, we:

1. signed our contract on our house July 15,
2. pulled into Michigan on August 1 and have been living in a two-bedroom corporate apartment with four children sharing a bedroom,
3. had our original closing moved from October 30 to somewhere between October 7-10,
4. found out in September that there might be a small delay because VA had not approved our phase of the subdivision, even though it usually only took them six weeks and it had been eight weeks,
5. were unable to give 30 days notice on our corporate apartment since we did not know when we were closing,
6. had to pay extra money twice to extend and lock in our loan rate, which already extended 15 days past the October 7-10 closing date,
7. found out the builder's office only sent the paperwork in to VA in September to have the subdivision approved and it was their fault we were having to pay all this extra money,
8. found out that said builder refused to pay our extra costs because the contract says we are responsible for paying for the costs in obtaining our mortgage (I could get on my bandwagon about normal costs versus costs because of negligence of others, but I won't),
9. found out that the packet was actually overnighted to VA on October 20,
10. have been in this apartment even though our house has been finished since the beginning of October,
11. and have been working on, quite frankly, a very stinky attitude.

Because really, after what happened to Heather's family, I felt about an inch tall. This was an inconvenience for me and my family, and I have been mighty complainy about it, especially to my husband, and I've just used a word that isn't one I think. But it fits what I've been. I have struggled with this something awful and I still don't think I have the right attitude. And I really didn't know how to post an update without sounding like the whiner I am, so now I'm whining anyway, but good news follows...

Today, we found out that the subdivision approval is completed and we will be closing on Friday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. EST!!! I get to have Thanksgiving in my new house in my new kitchen and cook my own turkey in my new oven. I AM SO EXCITED! Honestly, I was worried we weren't going to be in the house in time for Christmas, and we hadn't been able to put up a tree for the last two years because our military quarters were so small that with all six of us there just wasn't room. And of course there wouldn't be room in this apartment, so I was getting a little nuts. I shouldn't have been, and knew it, but for some reason we were made to wait until now for our house. It was the last thing we expected today, being a federal holiday. We can only assume that they found out late yesterday, because VA had to be closed today, so Hubby had a great Veteran's Day surprise!


  1. Yeah! I'm so happy the move is coming! I think most anyone would have been in a funk over the way that was handled. :)

  2. Oh yea! I know the waiting has been most unpleasant...but makes the move all the more sweet! How exciting! You'll feel like you are in a mansion after living on top of each other all of these months! :) You know we will want to see pics!....

  3. Oh, the joys of miscommunication and paperwork!

    Yay for actually getting a closing date! I'm sure the house will feel huge compared to the cramped apartment. I'm sure having to share one room was a good learning experience for the kids, though.

  4. I have been wondering how it was going! I am so sorry it's taken so long, but so thankful you'll be moved in, in time for Thanksgiving!

    I understand the attitude here. I haven't been posting much for the same reason. I'm sure I'll just sound like a whiny baby. I keep telling myself to shut up, I have a roof over our heads, and we are all safe, I have nothing to complain about. That little pep talk doesn't always work!

    Thanks for the update!


  5. That's great to hear that you're moving in so soon! I know you must be thrilled. Can't wait to see the pics after you get moved in!

  6. Praise the Lord! It's funny...my husband thinks...how I have a bloggy friends category on my prayer list...but you're on it...and that's a big answer to prayer! Wonderful! I'll be praying tomorrow!

  7. Oh this is great news to hear! Congratulations! I'd love to see pictures, possibly of your decorated tree in your new house?

  8. Yea!! So glad to hear the good news...and of course we'll understand the "silence" while you get moved. But as soon as you have online access, you better be posting some pics!

  9. How is it going? I am thinking of you often and I am hoping you are almost moved in!


  10. I'm wondering about you because now it's been 6 days since your last post. I think this time you really are moving!

  11. Kayren..... where are you??!!

    We miss you!


  12. How goes the moving? I miss your blogging but am sure you are wonderfully busy!

  13. Happy Thanksgiving in your new home! Knowing you, everything is almost completely unpacked and organized! :)


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