Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The In-Laws Have Come For Christmas

And look what happened the day they flew in to town!

Hubby's parents flew in to town last Friday, the 19th. Who would have ever imagined when tickets were purchased this would be when the first really big snowstorm would hit. They drove up to St. Louis the night before to icy conditions and were delayed leaving early Friday morning. They had to change planes at Chicago Midway and their flight to Detroit was delayed there as well.

Fortunately they were able to make it in without any flight cancellations. We do live about an hour from the airport, mostly north, and we got more than six inches of snow. It was treacherous out there, but it wasn't like Hubby couldn't go pick them up and then come back home. We are certainly thankful that we have a four-wheel-drive vehicle.

This is what the kids did the next day:

Cute, isn't it?

The blustery wind a few days later that made wind chills -12. Hat's gone. Not to be found.

And the snow yesterday, and the day before for that matter, the snowman is getting buried and his face is getting covered up. We have more than 12 total inches out there, and depending on what weather report you listen to we are supposed to get more.

My kids' first white Christmas since 2000 in Illinois. Tickled pink is an understatement!


  1. That's one cute snowman! It's snowing here too, but we had rain this morning. What a mess the roads are! I heard last night on the news that our average snowfall for this time of year is 13 inches. So far this year we have had 44"! No wonder I'm sick of it already. Have a great Christmas and I'm glad your kids are happy with a white one!

  2. Oh, Kayren!! I'm so jealous--in a good way:) That's wonderful that your first Christmas there is so beautiful. I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family!

  3. WOW...I'm so jealous!!! You got a gorgeous WHITE Christmas...ours is sunny and brown!! Thanks for the pictures. The snowman is cute!

  4. Our arrival to the Northwest was the first day of a series of storms that have come through in the past 10 days or so. It's been good for my soul to live in all this beauty for a while. Now I'm thinking forward to leaving in about a week and wondering if it will be clear enough!

    Hope your white Christmas was joyful and full of peace. Bless you, Kayren!


  5. Wow! 8 years without the white stuff on the ground? that's a long time. I'm glad you were able to have family over safely!

  6. Wow! I didn't realize you were going to have family there...and I'm so glad you did! My girls mentioned several times they wished your girls were there to visit with. It was fun to see the other big cousins! I know you're enjoying your new house, I'm wanting to see more pics of your huge place! If you got the box I sent you...check out the books and see if your kids would have any interest in them. When I bought them I thought they would be different but we're not die hard baseball fans like you are!


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