Monday, December 1, 2008

Memory Monday

Sadly, I've missed the last couple of weeks. The big move took priority and I didn't have any time to get on the computer. I had my verse memorized for last week and was lazy and didn't do another one. With Thanksgiving, and knowing I had lots of unpacking and furniture assembly on my plate, I decided that I would just work on keeping that one and the first one I learned solidified in my brain. So here is my newest one, from memory:

Psalm 4:4
"In your anger do not sin;
when you are on your beds,
search your hearts and be silent.

I've known the first part of this verse for years and used it with my children. Letting them know it was okay to be angry was important; letting them know it was important how they handled it was even more important. Something brought me to look at this verse and I happened to read the rest of it, and that's when I realized there were a lot of truths to be found there. There are times when I must send my children to their rooms to think about what they have done, how their attitudes are affecting either themselves or others in the household, and while they are in their rooms, the second part of that verse is so meaningful and wise. I thought it was an important verse for me to memorize in the training of my children, not that it will hurt me in the least either, and I want to pass it on to them now and have them memorize it. I think if they can come up with it as second nature like they do some of their Awana verses, it will have a real impact on how quickly attitudes turn around.

For this next week I am going to be terribly ambitious. Honestly, I've always been great at memorization. For the short-term. I could always memorize something for a test in a subject I didn't care about and then just trash the information like I never knew it. But this is obviously very different. So for next week I'm going to memorize Psalm 1. The whole thing. Feel free to pray for me. I will probably need it.

To join in Memory Monday or see how absolutely wonderful Joanne is doing, go visit her over at The Simple Wife.


  1. Well done--and thanks for sharing your insight on this verse. I needed to hear that today!

  2. Kayren,

    I was curious what your ambitious memory work was for next week - I pray He gives you His word written firmly on your heart. Joanne has been a great encouragement to me in this area.

    I'm a stay at home, homeschool mom of two teen girls that *loves* to organize too!

    So nice to meet you,

  3. That is a great and powerful verse, isn't it?!?!?! I'm trying a new way of praying right now, of which may just help me memorize scripture at the same time. I was in Awanas too 20 years ago! haha, but I'm sure times have not changed. Good for you for memorizing this verse and teaching your children what is right.

  4. I don't think I've ever paid attention to the rest of that verse. Maybe that's why parents originally sent their children to their rooms when they were in search their hearts and be silent. :) You do have to be alone and quiet to do that! Good for you in the memorization! Thanks for sharing with the rest of us lazies! :)


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