Monday, January 19, 2009

God Was There...

No other explanation possible.

I was the driver. Sparky was sitting in the seat behind me. We were on the way to the orthodontist.

It happened just before noon today. My chest hurts quite a bit, probably from the seat belt and possibly the air bag. We'll see how my back and neck are tomorrow.

Sparky's chest also hurts, as well as her shoulders, neck and back. She of course didn't have the benefit of an air bag, only the seat belt.

Although people from another vehicle had to be transported also, I understand that everyone was okay. That could have various interpretations, but everyone was alive.

It's pushed about three feet back, but nothing touched my legs, and it's not because they are short. The inside compartment was not compromised. What other explanation is there? When Hubby saw it, I think he was stunned at the damage because he'd seen us first.

Although many verses are on my mind today, no Memory Monday until next week. See you in a day or so.


  1. Oh my.

    Praising God for watching over you and keeping you safe in the midst of that.


  2. God was certainly protecting you and Sparky today. I'll be praying a word of thanks and praise.

  3. I'm so thankful that you or your daughter weren't seriously injured! God is so good!

  4. Guardian angels hard at work in Michigan today! Sooo glad you are alright. I was in an accident years ago and my car looked a lot like that. My chest was very sore for weeks. Makes you remember just what is important and what is not!

  5. Thank the Lord for His mighty hand upon you! I'm so glad that you knowingly give Him the praise and glory! I hope you both mend quickly! I'm so glad that you are okay!

  6. Oh, Kayren!!!

    I'm so thankful that you are both alright. Praise God for his mercies. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

    God bless you.


  7. Oh my! Thank God you are ok!!! The Holy Spirit was definitely with you. Rest up and bask in the Holy Spirit's warmth.

    how many cars were involved?


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