Wednesday, January 7, 2009

This Would Qualify As A Really Big Fix

An organization fix that is.

Some of you might remember I was desperate for one while we were in the apartment waiting to close on our house. Well, this one was a doozy:

You might also remember that this is what the more pristine room looked like prior to my attack on it:

I'm one of those people that has to "see" everything when they are organizing it, so when I unpacked all the school boxes and books, they got piled in the room. Obviously there was some overflow.

The pile of games in front of the brown armoire became this:

I tell you I was almost giddy with the high! That and I needed to actually be able to walk to the threshold of the room. Peka is trying to decide if Scooby-Doo is a threat to him or not.

And the rest of that mess chaos organizational planning became this:

That's what four kids and 9+ years of homeschooling gets you. And kudos if you noticed we added an additional four-cube square cabinet to the original plan.

On the off chance that you think I can be completely done in that room, although it is so close I can taste it, here are the two tiny things I still need to do. Number one, the piano, but I don't have a lamp anymore for it since several bit the dust in the move, so I'm sort of using that as an excuse.

And two would be these six cubes that have the current year's books for our Tapestry of Grace. I need to organize them by level and then week, unit, or multi-year.

I saw a couple of you had put up fun little polls during the holidays, although they were closed by the time I saw them. I thought it would be interesting to do one and see how long everyone thought it took me to get this room from the original state of pretty much not being able to step foot into it to what it looks like now. Days in the poll means it took a good part of my day, about five or more hours. So what do you think?


  1. It's nice to see you again. I was actually thinking abut you this morning and wondering how you were and then you posted! You have been busy. I'm going to your poll - I think this took you less time than it would me because I have a feeling you don't stop much once you start!

  2. Good for you! There's just something so crisp and clean about seeing all the shelves all neat like that. I just fixed up my fiction books as they were overflowling, and every time I look in that closet I think "ahh."

  3. Thanks for your visit and am sorry that you missed the cardinal taking off. If you really want to see it, I can send you a copy by email.

    I still have the old blogs but I also have new ones Abe Lincoln Blogs and also look at Abraham Lincoln's Blog

  4. Thank you for taking such precious time to comment so lovingly on my blog. I've missed you too! I always feel like my brain is organized when those kind of shelving projects are done! HA! Our pianos look almost identical! Neat! Glad you are getting all settled!! Praying for you!

  5. I'm so glad you found your way back to blogland! :) Your room looks fabulous! I think OCD can be a good thing! It's got to be a wonderful feeling to have that done!

  6. Wow! I'm impressed. This looked like the mother of all organizational challenges:) It looks great! I went with *4 days* in the polls.

    It's good to have you back in blogville, too. I had a great time reading your comments--glad you made it in time for the giveaway!

    Can't wait to see more house pics, too!

  7. I'm very impressed. I repeat my appeal for an organize-Reese's-house visit. Or have I ever actually written that thought...

    Glad you're back.


  8. LOL! Reese your funny! I think Kayren should help me move back in and organize my house..we could go to Ikea! :)

    It looks awesome Kayren! When I first saw that I thought "I am so glad that's not my mess, because I would just walk away". Seriously, that looks like a huge challenge and I would never know where to begin!


  9. Wow it looks really good! And I'm curious to know how long it took you. My guess was one day, 5 hours, because knowing me I would hate to leave a project like that unfinished for more than a day!

  10. That looks fabulous!! I can't wait until God provides us with enough space to have a homeschooling room. I want cubbies just like that. :)

  11. WOW! What an incredible job you did! I am in awe!!! And, I love those cubbies! I am going to have to get some of those!

  12. Oh wow !! That is amazing !!! Good job !!!

  13. Wow, you did a great job.
    It is so inspiring to see how you managed to do this.
    I hope one day my clutterrooms will look as organised as this.

  14. WOW!!! Would you want to come help me with mine!?! You did an awesome job!

  15. You are my inspiration! Great job.

  16. Wow, wow, and WOW again!
    What a MAJOR FIX!!! You rawk!

  17. Did you buy those cubbies with desks attached or did you make them? Those are great! Very good job!

  18. LOVE this! Where did you get the cubbies and desks? I need something like this very much for my homeschooling!

  19. Wow- that looks amazing! Lots of organizational hours went into this room- I can tell!

  20. WOW! I love that one of your labels for this post was "OCD." (a woman after my own heart...)

  21. Cubbies, baskets & pizza boxes, no wonder OrgJunkie was so excited about this post! 3 of her favorite things.

  22. I LOVE it!! I could just stare at those pictures for hours, they make me giddy. If I were you I would never leave that room.

    Does your kitchen look that good?

  23. WOW! That is some amazing work! I am inspired :)

  24. Hi! I saw your blog from Org Junkie! That is so amazing! Wow,I don't think I can do that kind of organizing!

  25. This looks wonderful!! I have a nine cube cubical unit for my girls' room. I really want the storage buckets that go in it so everything looks tidy. One thing at a time!!

  26. WOW!!!! You did an absolutely FANTASTIC job with that room! I LOVE it!

  27. I am a professional organizer and I have to say... I am very impressed! It is hard for some people to see the bigger picture when you are organizing but you did a great job. I have to admit, I too have a soft spot for those IKEA cubbies. Love them, love them, love them. I put them in my clients' houses whenever they let me. See them on my blog - look on sidebar for family room makeover.


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