Sunday, February 15, 2009

Menu Plan Monday — February 16th-22nd

I didn't get to make all of the recipes I had on the menu plan for last week since we were able to stretch some of them for a couple of days with leftovers. That means this week will be easier! But I did want to update on some of them because I was trying so many new things.

First for the homemade syrup: I was going to be Betsy's guinea pig and see how it was as leftovers since she never has enough left to try it. I tripled the recipe and I had some left that I let cool, then placed in a glass Ball jar. It seemed pretty thick already, so I decided I'd leave it out and not put it in the refrigerator. It did have butter in it, but I know some people leave butter out. I was going to try it first and make sure it was going to make anyone really sick.

But look at it the next day:

There is a little trickling there, but not much. Now I could possibly put a little water in there and then microwave it, but I really don't want it to explode in there, and I'm trying not to nuke so much stuff either. So in the interest of not having to possibly clean up broken and sticky glass, I'm going to put water in this to soften it and then toss it. My verdict on the recipe though: very good. Next time I will not put the vanilla in it or maybe half what it calls for. I could really taste it and it was just a little much. I think that would put it over into the great category.

The homemade granola was really good and really easy to make. Sparky and I are the main ones eating it on our Yoplait Vanilla Yogurt. When Hubby got home I gave him a little taste of it straight, and the first thing he said was, "Is there honey in this?" So apparently the honey taste is a little strong. Here's what it looks like straight out of the oven. As it cools, it gets crumbly.

The White Chicken Chili was very good, too. Hubby and I especially loved it. Here it is in my large Crock Pot. I doubled the recipe, and when I got it all in the pot I didn't really have enough room to cut up the onions and put them in. I'm not really into putting onions in my stuff, so I didn't mind.

We ate it with both the sour cream and shredded cheese mixed in — yep, food in my food!

Then the Slow Cooker Barbeque Beef Sandwiches I don't have pictures of, but I did double the recipe so we'd have leftovers. It was pretty good. I think I'm the hold-out on it. The majority of my family liked it more than me. It seemed to be missing something and didn't have a zing I wanted. I didn't put the peppers or the onions in, but I don't really ever put peppers in anything when I cook. The only thing they get put in is if I make fajitas, and then I don't eat the peppers. But this recipe was not missing a pepper or onion flavor, it was a zing I can't put my finger on. Maybe I just need to get a more zingy barbeque sauce next time. Any ideas?

So here is this week's menu plan:

MondayCheesy Spaghetti Bake. It's still new since I didn't make it last week.

Tuesday — Probably leftovers from Monday, soup otherwise.

Wednesday — Fettucine Alfredo. My kids think it tastes like Olive Garden's. Recipe below.

ThursdayMeat Loaf. Pulled it over from last week, too!

Friday — Leftover meatloaf.

Saturday — Sam's Club Pizza. I want to try out my two new round pizza pans.

Sunday — Probably eat out, especially if we eat in all week.

Fettucine Alfredo
recipe from box

2-16 oz boxes fettucine noodles, cooked
2 sticks butter
4 cloves chopped garlic (I press mine)
5 cups half and half, divided
3 cups grated Parmesan cheese
1 tsp pepper
4 dashes salt

Cook Fettucine according to package directions.
In large skillet melt margarine over medium heat; add garlic, saute 1 minute.
Stir in 3 cups half and half
Stirring constantly, cook over medium heat 2-3 minutes.
Add Fettucine to skillet.
Stir in remaining 2 cups half and half, cheese, pepper and salt; cook, stirring, 1 minute.

If it sounds like a lot of butter and cream, this recipe serves my family of six with healthy servings and there are enough leftovers for several of us for lunch the next day.

Go check out The Organizing Junkie for lots more menu ideas.


  1. Your week looks great! I really like to experiment in the kitchen....looks like you had some success.

    Have a wonderful week!

  2. It looks like you had a week of successful dinners last week! So glad you liked the white chili. We love it!
    I had some carry-overs this week, too. And speaking of dinner...I'd better go get started for tonight:)

  3. We only eat real maple syrup in our house on pancakes and waffles these days. It is sooooo good. If you really don't want to go that route though and stick to the homemade stuff, I wanted to give you a tip about your syrup recipe: to soften any leftovers, you can boil a pan of water, take it off the heat, and place the jar in it. Like honey, it will soften in a few minutes. Before banning refined sugars from our house, I used to make a recipe for syrup very similar to the one you posted and the hot water trick always worked like a charm to soften it.

  4. Oh that syrup looks so funny! Now we know! Love the other dishes...everything looks scrum-diddly!

  5. My mom made granola once when I was a kid, and I think I did too when Tim and I were first married. I need to make it again. I love granola.

    I've been meaning to try the white chili. Actually, I forgot that I'd been meaning to try it. What's up with that? Thanks for the reminder.

    Have a yummy week.



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