Friday, February 13, 2009

Organization — Spices

A couple of weeks ago I showed you one of my favorite rooms, my kitchen. In that post I also showed you my spice drawer. Here is what it looked like:

I could find everything relatively quickly, and it was sort of alphabetized.

I had to buy some new spices this week, and I also desperately needed to replace some old ones. Using those old Tupperware spice containers worked great while Hubby was in the military and we moved around, because that way the movers would actually take them. But the down side of that was that there was never an expiration date since the bottle got thrown away. I knew they needed to be replaced though, so I did.

In doing so I analyzed my drawer to figure out what would work better. I didn't want the bottles in the drawer without being inside of something, so I had to figure out what would work best. Two of the glass bottles fit nicely in the smaller rectagular basket that you can get 3-for-$1 at Wal-Mart. After a Wal-Mart run, emptying out the old spices, and rearranging the drawer (including alphabetizing), this is what it looked like:

See, alphabetized:

I also keep my paper muffin cups, plastic measuring cups, slicer thingy, toothpicks, etc. in here. Baking/cooking related stuff. I kept the taller plastic basket for some items because it fit the space best and I really needed the higher sides for those things.

So I didn't get the fancy-schmancy spice drawer organizer I thought I might, and I didn't get the one I love that goes up in the cabinet either. But you sure can't beat about $3 in plastic baskets.


  1. Woooo...I'm impressed! My spices are also of the things my Mom did when she was visiting when I had my second born! I have them on a double lazy Susan...and I really want them off the counter...but cupboard space is at a minimum...and the lazy Susan won't fit in the cupboard...argh! I'm so impressed that you throw them out when they get old...I can't...I make myself use them up! HA! Have a great weekend!

  2. Wow - it looks great! Once you alphabetize them it probably is easy to keep them that way too!

  3. I love the way organized things look! They look great. I usually go thru my cabinet about once a year and toss, but I really like them in a drawer, hmmmm, I might have to reorganize some things this spring. Have a great V-day, and I hope you get a dozen daisies!

  4. This was a total surprise. When the page opened I saw an artist's paint tube storage drawer open. I was almost stunned to read spices.

    I guess you are an artist with food preparation.

  5. I've always had my spices in an upper cabinet or hanging on the wall in a holder, but I'm thinking I might like a drawer arrangement in the future (I don't have a drawer to devote to spices right now). It's so hard to see & get to spices in an upper cabinet, even though I've tiered them. Your drawer looks great! Thanks for the inspiration! (I do have quite a few of those little white WM baskets though--use 'em for all sorts of things!).

  6. I can almost hear the spices sighing with relief... :)

  7. Will you come do mine?
    It looks great!


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