Sunday, March 29, 2009

Menu Plan Monday — March 30th-April 5th

I got off track a little last week and get to bring something forward again. Oddly enough, it's one of the new recipes that got brought forward from the previous week, and then the fish. I have all the stuff in my pantry, I just need to make it.

The reason it got night we had cereal for dinner and one night we had blueberry muffins. It was kind of an off week.

My kids have asked for 'no new recipes, Mom,' so I'm going to try and work with that, with the exception of the one I already have planned.

MondayBacon Cheeseburger Rice. I'll get the new recipe out of the way first thing in the week.

TuesdayCheesy Spaghetti Bake. I'm going to make extra noodles and warm up extra sauce for Caboose. He's asked for plain spaghetti even though he liked this recipe, and since it's not really a big deal to throw in extra noodles, I can humor him on this one.

Wednesday — Leftovers. The Cheesy Spaghetti Bake makes two casseroles and it's great as a leftover, so we'll have the second one and make dinner a breeze.

ThursdayBeef and Noodles. Buddy requested this specifically, so I can make him happy, too.

Friday — Leftovers. I make extra of the Beef and Noodles recipe and then I get leftovers for a second night. I love simple!

Saturday — I might do Mahi Mahi or Tilapia here since I never did last week (in a little olive oil on the stove top in a grill pan, heavily seasoned with Mrs. Dash's garlic and herb, lightly seasoned with salt), but I currently reserve the right to change my mind since I haven't bought the fish yet. The girls will be gone for a special youth event, so it will just be Hubby, the boys, and me.

Sunday — Eat out since we ate in all week!

We're having a beef week, unless the fish works out for Saturday. I'm starting to think it's probably a necessity. I don't think I've ever gone a week without making chicken at least once. Maybe some nuggets for lunch...

Go check out all the great menu ideas at I'm an Organizing Junkie.


  1. It all sounds delish! And I love it when I make double and we have leftovers the next night!

    The fish sounds wonderful! We haven't had fish in a little while....must do something about that!

  2. Sounds yummy, Kayren! That's funny about the *no new recipes* request:)

  3. Sounds so yummy and I am definitely going to have to try some of these!


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