Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I've been thinking lately as I've been doing meal planning and shopping about where our money goes. That's made me think about the things that we pay a little extra for, by choice, and the things that we don't. Before I tell you some of the things I splurge on, here are some of the things I won't:
  • Soda...we don't usually buy it unless we're having pizza, it's New Year's Eve, or Super Bowl Weekend.

  • Juice...I buy frozen and make my own, and then I water it down some. It's much more economical than buying the plastic bottles, and then there's a lot less that has to be recycled, too. I just make sure I buy the 100 percent juice.

  • Fancy chocolate...good old Hershey's is my favorite.

  • Jeans...There are some crazy priced jeans out there these days. Just give me some good old Levi's. Hubby has been trying to get me to throw one pair away because of a hole by the back pocket. My undershirt covers everything up!

  • Name brand clothes...I love Land's End, and I'll get it if it's on sale super cheap at Sears, but we're not fancy people. Kohl's, Penney's...and on sale, too. You get the picture.

  • Picture frames...I have found that a good basic black frame can be found at Wal-Mart or Michael's, and they are a classic style that should last forever. Of course if I have a good print or cross-stitch that needs framing, this totally doesn't apply, but that's rare.

  • Storage cubbies...have I mentioned Ikea? They are so reasonably priced it's almost silly. Not something I shop for on a regular basis, but I hadn't mentioned Ikea in over a week. I was kind of in withdrawal.

My splurges:

  • Organic milk...my kids drink a lot of milk, and I really don't want all the extra junk going in their bodies. This is one of the areas we've made a sacrifice to spend a little more money. The best price we've found is actually at our local Meijer's. It's even better than at Sam's Club!

  • Organic fruits and veggies...we are finally fortunate to live close to a Whole Foods. We don't buy everything organic, but we try to get as many of the fruits and veggies that have the highest percentage of exposure to chemicals and such organic. Bananas, pineapples, cantaloupe, cucumber...not so much. But strawberries, grapes, apples, lettuce, etc., those we do try to get as often as possible.

  • Toilet paper...I love Charmin Ultra Soft, which used to be just Charmin Ultra. I'm a little particular about my toilet paper.

  • Paper towels...I'm a little particular about these, too. Bounty all the way.

  • Cotton balls...love those gigantic Swisspers. Can't stand those teeny tiny things. I don't know if these count as a splurge, but I was kind of going along with the white, absorbent theme.

  • Coffee...I love good coffee. No Folgers or Maxwell House for me.

  • Tide Simple Pleasures and the Bounce that matches...it's lavendar and vanilla scented and I buy as much as I can whenever it's on sale to hold me over until the next time. I'm Tide loyal anyway.

  • Ground beef...I alway get somewhere between 93 and 97 percent lean. It's better for us, and by the time the other stuff cooks off, I figure that the cost comes out about the same. Someday soon I'd like to get this organic as well, but I'd like to maybe find a local farmer or something. I would probably need to get a freezer and buy in bulk so it will have to wait for now.

So what do you splurge on? What are you not willing to pay extra for?


  1. I am with you on the Tide - lavender and vanilla is great, Bounty, lean ground beef and the Charmin!

  2. Oh, wow that made me think and notice, that there are certain items and brands that I prefer.
    Leaner cuts an/or ground meats, Del Monte Veggies or fruits(just for the time pinch), Gain or Purex, TP(Charmin,Quilted Northern,cottonelle) and PT(Bounty,Viva), good coffee here too, all else as long I can find what I need, want or like at the lowest price possible .......

  3. So fun to read more about you!
    I'm with you all the way on lean ground beef, good coffee and extra big cotton balls! :) I'm a loyal Era user...which is made by Tide, actually.


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