Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Reading Thing — 2009

I just looked back at my Fall Into Reading list to see how I did, even though I had a general idea, but I did even stinkier than I thought on my non-fiction. When I made out my list last fall I didn't take into account that we would be moving from our temporary apartment into our new house at some point during that three months, but I can't even use that as an excuse. I still haven't finished most of those non-fiction books. I like fiction too much, I can only read fiction when I go to bed, and I don't get enough reading time during the day, especially since I only unpacked my last box a week ago, and we moved in in the middle of November.

So for the spring event I'm going to try and make a conscious effort to find wasted time during my day to read some non-fiction. I know it's there; I just have to find it and be willing to give it up. I know I'll be happy once I do, but it's the initial sacrifice that is often the most painful.

not quite all books mentioned are pictured


1. O'Malley Chronicles Volume 2 by Dee Henderson. This book includes The Protector, The Healer, and The Rescuer. I'm partway through The Protector, so I'll finish up this entire book before I start any more fiction.
2. Yukon Quest by Tracie Peterson. This is a 3-in-1 book I got for under ten dollars from CBD and was on my fall list. I ended up reading some other fiction books rather than this and still haven't gotten to it. It's back on my list and I plan to read it this spring.
3. Everything's Coming Up Josey, Chill Out, Josey, and Get Cozy, Josey by Susan May Warren. These books were on someone's list last fall and they looked really cute, I'd read other books by Susan May Warren that were good, and my grandma's first name was Josie. I had to get the first one from Amazon Marketplace around Christmas because you can't find it anywhere else right now, but the other two are on their way right now from CBD.
4. The Sisters of the Quilt Series by Cindy Woodsmall. This includes When the Heart Cries, When the Morning Comes, and When the Soul Mends. I won an autographed copy of the third book last fall, found the second book at Sam's Club a couple of weeks ago, and the first one is on it's way from CBD. That way I can read them in order.
5. Altar Call by Hope Lyda. I won this last fall also, and it came from Smiling Sally. I never got around to thanking her with the big move coming soon after, so if she happens to read this, "Thanks, Sally!"
6. The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey by Trenton Lee Stewart. I read the first book for Fall Into Reading, now on to this one.
7. Wicked by Gregory Maguire. I'm just curious about this one.
8.when Mother was eleven-foot-four by Jerry Camery Hoggatt. I can't find any links except to the children's version. This is a little Christmas book, but I'm going to read it now since I didn't get it done during Christmas.
9. City of the Dead by T.L. Higley. This is the second book in the Seven Wonders Series, but since the author was kind enough to give me the book, I'm going to read it before I get the first one and read it. It's hard for me to do things out of order, so we'll see if I my eyelids twitch while I'm reading it! I'm really excited to read this book though.


1. The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace. This was on my fall list and I didn't get to it. I really want to read this, so I don't know why I can't seem to pick it up. Scared, maybe.
2. Have a New Kid by Friday by Dr. Kevin Leman. On my list in the fall, needed it then, need it now. Priority book!
3. The Consolations of Imperfection: Learning to Appreciate Life's Limitations by Donald McCullough. Another one from my fall list. I got mine highly discounted from CBD after seeing it on someone's What's On Your Nightstand list. I can't recommend it since I haven't read it, but it's marked down right now from $18.99 to $1.99 if you think it's one you want (that's the member price).
4. Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate by Jerry Bridges. Another one pulled over from my fall list. I told you I didn't do well with my non-fiction.
5. The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges.


1. Mocha on the Mount by Sandra Glahn. I started this but stalled out. I'm going to finish it up. Anything where I have to write is like pulling teeth for me. I just really have trouble with those types of devotionals.
2. The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson. I didn't let myself get to this from my fall list since I didn't finish Mocha on the Mount. I don't know that this is truly a devotional, but I'm going to try using it to start my days.
3. Before You Meet Prince Charming: A Guide to Radiant Purity by Sarah Mally. I've already read this before, but I've purchased copies for both of my girls and will be going through this with them. This book is not just about remaining pure for marriage, but also 'equipping young ladies to use the years of their youth fully for Christ.' Personally I think this is a fantastic book.

I don't even want to think about the kids' school books I'll be reading...

Katrina hosts this wonderful event at Callapidder Days. I love checking out what other people are reading because I can find some new books to put on my list to read someday. If you love to read, go check it out!


  1. Great list! The Excellent Wife is a wonderful book! Hope you get to it this time around.

  2. Hi Kayren, great list! I did a study with The Excellent Wife, I think you will like it. Wicked was a little hard to get through for me, but worth it. An unusual but superbly written book. Happy reading. :)

  3. Thanks for sharing the list! I'm enjoying seeing what everyone will be reading this spring.

  4. Great list. I keep thinking about reading Wicked. I keep it on my want to read list, but just haven't gotten to it yet. There are some other great books on there too - looks like I will be adding more to my want to read list.

  5. Great list! I've heard great things about Have a New Kid by Friday, I really need to check it out myself.

    I enjoyed Wicked, fun book.

  6. Just stopping over from Callapidder Days...

    That is an impressive list...and I'm embarrassed to say that I haven't heard of many of them. I have a feeling that my Amazon wish list is going to grow significantly the further into this challenge I get!

    Happy reading!

  7. Wicked is great and you have an amazing list! Happy Reading!

  8. Looks good, Kayren! I have a couple of T.L. Higley's books on my shelf, but haven't read them yet. They do look interesting though, so I need to get to them soon! Thanks for the heads up on the Imperfection book -- I think I'll have to pick that up, especially at that price!

    I'm with you on having to carve out time to read non-fiction during the day. Bed-time just *has* to be fiction for me, so I have to really discipline myself to set aside that extra time.

    Thanks for being part of the Spring Reading Thing!

  9. I really like the variety on your list. BTW - the Yukon Quest and Josey books were great.

    Happy Reading!

  10. I love Dee Henderson. She is my favorite author. Susan May Warren and Hope Lyda are excellant too. I hope you enjoy the books as much as I did. :)

  11. Best of luck with your reading goals. I want to read the Josey series!

  12. Looks like a wonderful list! I love seeing what everyone is up to on their reading lists :-)

  13. Love the O'Malley series! I need to remember to put the Excellent Wife on my list sometime.

  14. I thought about it...but I'm gonna wait for the Fall...too much else going on...things slow down for me in the Fall believe it or not! HA! I will peruse the lists though! He he he!!

  15. I enjoyed the Yukon Quest books! Fiction is my favorite so I sometimes try to put non-fiction on my list when doing this challenge but this time I did all fiction!

  16. we have similar taste, I love Susan May Warren, and Dee Henderson. Enjoy this Springs Challenge.

  17. This is a great list! Good luck finding those extra minutes in your day to read.

  18. Good luck with your list. I would really like to check out the "Have A New Kid by Friday", sounds interesting.

  19. Great list! I've been wanting to read The Excellent Wife!


  20. Excellent list! Love your blog look, and love the way you spell your name:-) I love unique spellings...looking forward to getting to know you better via your booklist!

  21. Interesting list! Good luck with the challenge.

  22. Love the O'Malley series. That's one that I keep on my shelves!



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