Sunday, April 19, 2009

Menu Plan Monday — April 20th-April 26th

Well, first things first. If you're looking for the giveaway, you could go to the home page and scroll down through a few days or just click here and it will take you straight to the specific post. You have to comment by Tuesday, April 21st at noon EST to be eligible.

Now for the menu...last week Hubby was out of town and I didn't post my menu. That's because I had no plan. Made the week a little tricky to say the least. So now I'm definitely seeing the benefit of planning my meals even if Hubby is gone.

Monday — Clean out the fridge and pantry night. We haven't done this for a few weeks, so it's time again.

TuesdayTacos, using homemade taco seasoning with no msg. This is probably my kids' favorite all-time meal.

WednesdayTaco Salad. I always make extra taco meat to plan for taco salad the following night.

Thursday — Spaghetti. We have a ball practice, Bible study, and one vehicle. We need something easy.

Friday — Maybe that fish I've been talking about for roughly four weeks. One of these days... If not, it will probably be breakfast for dinner.

Saturday — Depending on how Friday pans out, it will be breakfast for dinner (Farmer's Breakfast, pancakes), or baked potatoes.

Sunday — Eat out since we ate in all week! I finally saw a Pizza Hut, so I think maybe we'll go there. There aren't many around here.

Like always, you can find tons of great menu and recipe ideas if you go visit the Organizing Junkie.


  1. Ahh...taco salad. Great idea to have that after tacos. I totally wouldn't have thought of that.
    Thanks for the tip!

    Oh, and I can't wait to try the homemade seasoning!
    Thanks so much.


  2. I love tacos and taco salad!

  3. I think tacos are Taylor's all time favorite...well, that and steak. It all sounds yummy!

  4. I love the idea of making extra meat for taco salad! Thanks for the tip!

  5. Sounds like a yummy week! How fun that we're both doing taco night this week :)
    I hope your Pizza Hut Sunday is a well-deserved treat. We go there sometimes on Sunday after church because they have an AWESOME lunch buffet ... pizza, salad and dessert. If your kids do Book It, they can use their certificates for the buffet (at least at our Pizza Huts).

  6. I can upon your blog through orgjunkie menu planning and I thought I was reading about myself.

    I am also an accountant by trade, but now a stay at home, homeschooling mom, and organizing junkie to a point that most of my friends think it is an obsession. I just thought I would let you know I loved your blog. Plan to visit again.

  7. I think I will try that Farmer's Breakfast! Do you add milk to your eggs for scrambling?

  8. I love the idea of making extra taco meat, too! Your menu looks great!

  9. Ooh - Pizza Hut. We don't have one so I rarely get to go there.

    We're having tacos this week too.

  10. great idea having taco salad follow tacos

  11. I'm planning to do a Taco Salad for lunch, one day this week. I just got a recipe (was introduced to this) last week! :D

    ~MizB (MPM newbie)


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