Sunday, April 26, 2009

Menu Plan Monday — April 27th

I'm not even putting fish on my menu again, because I don't think it's ever going to get made. Ever! I mean, what's it been? Five weeks? That's all I'm going to say about that.

This week Hubby is out of town. He won't be back until late Friday night, which means he'll only be here for what I cook on Saturday. When he was out of town a couple of weeks ago I didn't menu plan, and boy, was that a mistake. We were in a dither.

So this time I'm planning, and I'm planning simple. Because it makes the kids happy, it makes me happy, and we have baseball practice Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night. Assuming we have no snow.

Okay, seriously I don't think we'll get anymore snow, but maybe rain. Oh, and at the same time as Wednesday ball practice, church. Figure that one out and I'll fix you dinner, too.

Monday — Clean out the fridge and pantry night. Wow, two weeks in a row. This is kind of fun.


Wednesday — Baked Potatoes.

ThursdayChicken Spaghetti.

Friday — Leftovers.

Saturday — Homemade Hamburgers. Made by Hubby, so I hope he reads this while he's gone.

Sunday — Eat out since we ate in all week!

Go visit Laura, The Organizing Junkie, for more great menu ideas and recipes.


  1. Love the fishy thoughts. :)

    I also love to do the refrig/pantry night! It really does make you use up all the leftovers so they don't get thrown out.

    The Mister is gone here, too!..but only through Tuesday.

  2. I always have things on my menu that carry over form week to week too!

    I'm so with you on the keeping it simple. Baseball starts soon here too but thankfully we only have one little guy playing so it's just two night a week.

    Oh, and BTW we LOVED the homemade taco seasoning. So yummy. Thanks again for the recipe!

  3. With that schedule, I think you're wise to keep the meals simple. Have a fun week!

  4. I'm all about simple - easy to make, easy to eat! And I really like your recipe for chicken spaghetti - I'll definitely have to try that out soon. You should check out springpad's
    weekly meal planner - it's a great way to organize all of your menus and recipes, I think you'd really like it! (and it should definitely help to keep things simple!)

    Rachel @ springpad


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