Thursday, May 14, 2009

Don't Let Me Confuse You

It really is spring here in Michigan, although many of our high temps are only in the 60's and occasionally in the low 70's. See, some of our trees even have leaves, although some are still only buds.

That said, sitting out at the kids' baseball games and softball practices gets a little chilly, especially when the wind is blowing, which it does a lot here. I'm still wearing long sleeves. Have been all except for I think one day this year.

So it seemed appropriate to share a picture of my little treasure I got in the mail today from my mom. I asked her if she could crochet some scarflets for me after Bobbi's mom made one for her and her daughter.

She got the idea and directions here and here. Since my mom was using a nubby yarn, she only used two strands, and the biggest hook she could find was an N.

The brown one I have on is my favorite, and then she also made these two, all of which were with Homespun yarn.

She made two others with Vanna (as in White) yarn, but they were itchy on my neck, so when my mom comes to visit I'll give her those back.

Now I get to try my hand at them. My mom lives in a small town with Wal-Mart, so her yarn selection isn't as good. Of course I have lots of choices around here, so I want to see if I can find some fuschia and orange to combine together!

If it goes well, you'll see the results.

If it doesn't, you'll probably see more gray hairs in pictures.


  1. Oh, they look great! I love the blue and's pretty! Your favorite is just sort of like mine! We could be matchy! I can't wait to see how it goes!

  2. Those are great! I love the brown one too!

  3. Nice! I like 'em.

    The weather there sounds pretty similar to the current weather in England. I've had the heat up the past few days.


  4. Oh those are so cute. I'm terrible at crocheting but I'm going to try it anyway !!


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