Sunday, May 17, 2009

Menu Plan Monday — May 18th

Last week I didn't ever make the Farmer's Breakfast I had on the menu, but since I have everything I need to make it, I'll have it early this week. I ended up making chili on Saturday (the day I had no plan) since Chatty had been asking for it for a long time. It's her favorite meal, and even though it wasn't really chili weather, it made my decision easy.

Monday — Leftover Chili and macaroni & cheese as an extra side for the pickies. The kids will actually get to eat at their end-of-year Awana skating party, but it's just one piece of pizza, and my kids aren't always big pizza eaters anyway, so I figure I'll feed them first.

TuesdayFarmer's Breakfast.

Wednesday — Baked Potatoes.

ThursdayCountry-Style Pork Loin.

Friday — Spaghetti (or maybe another pasta dish if I find a new one I like).

Saturday — I'm blank again. Maybe one of the kids will be begging for something and make it easy this week too.

Sunday — Eat out since we ate in all week!

For more great menu ideas, visit The Organizing Junkie.


  1. I was reading your profile and noticed that you have teens too.
    I think teens aren't as bad as people say. It's really about the parenting. I find our teenager to be lots of fun, inspiration and challenging.
    His last year of school is next year and it brings a tear or two to my eye that it's ending. But I think the hubby and I did a great job. (And our Heavenly Father)
    Great menu planned!
    I'm having a blog birthday drawing ~ prize is a $25 gift certificate from vinylvineyard at

  2. I love your blog. It is so full of color. You have a beautiful family. Love your menu. Have a Blessed week.

  3. Great menu! Love the colors on your blog too! Your kids are beautiful!

    Thanks for the ideas!

  4. Ahhhh the farmer's breakfast.

    I've bookmarked it in the hopes that my little guy will outgrow his egg allergy too.... or I'll just have to make it on a night when he's over at grandmas! It just sounds so yummy- although without the teenager factor and having little teeny tiny mouths to feed, I could probably cut the recipe in half!

  5. The farmers breakfast is a great idea! I’ll be trying this soon! Stop by and visit my site for a yummy chimichanga recipe!


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