Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Also known at our house as "Lou Brock Bobblehead Day."

In 2004, Hubby had just recently returned from Kuwait. We had tickets for the St. Louis Cardinals game on Father's Day, which also happened to be the day they were giving away Lou Brock Bobbleheads to the first however many thousand people through the gates. Of course our intent was to be some of the first people at one of the gates, Lou Brock being one of Hubby's favorite retired players.

Hubby was still in bed, and I had all the kids gathered up and told them to go tell their dad Happy Father's Day. Caboose, in his four-year-old infinite wisdom, told me, "Mom, it's not Father's Day. It's Lou Brock Bobblehead Day."

He started early in life.

Since we don't have a photo of Lou Brock from that day, here's Hubby with his wonderful kiddos. The girls were ten and Buddy was seven. Hubby was 38.

Lou Brock is top right on Caboose's shelf.

Happy Father's Day, Babe! We love you!


  1. What a funny kid! I bet your hubby had a good day, no matter what you called it!

  2. Yes, Happy Father's Day to your mister! Cute photo. I love the name're right, Caboose did start early with the funniest things to say! :)


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