Sunday, June 7, 2009

Menu Plan Monday — June 8th

Last week went pretty well, although I did the usual and a few things are getting carried over to this week. But that's okay since it makes the beginning of the week a little easier since I have those items on hand.

MondayFettucine Alfredo.

TuesdayPancakes with this Strawberry Topping.

WednesdayMeat Loaf.

Thursday — Vegetable Buffet, and maybe Baked Potatoes.

FridayChicken Spaghetti. I already have some chicken cooked and cut up in the freezer from another time, and I need to use it up.

Saturday — Leftovers, and/or clean out the fridge and pantry.

Sunday — Eat out since we ate in all week!

I thought I'd share with you some of the places that we eat on a regular Sunday. By regular I mean not Mother's Day or Father's Day or someone's birthday, where we usually go somewhere a little nicer. Some of our favorite places to go on Sunday after church are Boston Market, Taco Bell, Chipotle (which they didn't have where we lived in Virginia), and Steak & Shake. If it's a special occasion we have been known to go to Macaroni Grill, TGI Friday's, Olive Garden, Logan's Roadhouse, Chili's, or Applebee's. We used to love Lone Star, but around here they have all gone out of business.

This week I'm going to make some Homemade Granola, and I'm going to try the Blueberry Muffin recipe with strawberries. But don't tell Caboose, because one, he's never had any muffin other than blueberry that he likes, and two, the last time I made these with the recipe, this was the impending disaster.
I'm also going to make the Buttermilk Biscuits again sometime this week. These are all things we like to eat when they come out of the oven and then we can snack on them during the day or for breakfasts.

For more great ideas, go visit Laura at The Organizing Junkie.


  1. Yummy menu! I love homemade granola, so I checked that link and it sounds delicious. I laughed at how you "don't like food in your food". My boys are the same way!

  2. I bet those strawberry muffins are going to be great!

  3. I think my kids are gonna love me just a little more after I make them pancakes with that strawberry sauce :)

  4. Strawberry sauce...yum! Sounds like a marvelous week!


  5. That strawberry sauce looks yummy. Might have to use that for our Breakfast for Dinner night planned this week.
    And the strawberry muffins sound yummy too.


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