Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Organizing Kids' (Not-So-Typical) Shelves

I figured I needed to just go ahead and put the disclaimer in the title of the post, lest you think this was about toy shelves, or maybe bookshelves. Or even shelves in one of my kid's closets.

But alas, it is not so.

This is how things started out. They've been living in the hall for about three months, since they were unpacked from their moving box. They lined the hall nicely and stayed in place though.

Here is where the remainder was, because these things were in one of Caboose's brother's boxes, since they used to share a room and they got boxed together out of necessity, and of course Buddy wasn't going to let any of it stay in his room until Caboose's room was prepared. (I would have been the same way if it were me if we're just going to be honest here.)

I decided I was going to be little miss handy-girl today. I know how to wield a drill. I just usually let Hubby do it now. But I was tired of waiting. We'd had the white shelf since December. It's June. Hubby is going to read this and say I didn't ask him. I have mentioned it in passing, in my defense.

Buddy came in to help me, since I just have two hands. Plus I think it's good for his future knowledge, in the possibility that he might not live with me forever. We wielded a stud finder (it kept going off incessantly whenever Buddy was around!), a pencil, a level, a hammer, a screwdriver, a drill, and molly bolts. I think that was it. Oh, and I had to stand on our tall step stool. Here is the finished product.

Since the walls aren't painted yet it is much easier to see in the second picture. I used those new Command picture hangers that are kind of like Velcro but not really to hang the Monster Jam poster (since it's already in a poster frame). They are really cool. Once I get a poster frame for the other picture, I'll do the same for it.

If you want to see some of the other surface and shelf organization round-ups that people are doing for this month, go check out The Organizing Junkie and see who's linked up.


  1. I was about to tell you how great it looked, but then I spotted Jimmie Johnson on the wall and it was downhill from there. We are Kenseth fans here, but I think I can still be friends with you! ;)

  2. Oh this is funny! I was going to say I'm a Gordon fan and at least Johnson is a teammate. Now Mari says she's a Kenseth fan. Who knew there were Nascar fans were besides me! :)

    The shelf looks great! And good for you to do it yourself. I usually do those things myself...The Mister is never around when I want to do it!

  3. Betsy, I have to tell you, last night after Mari left her comment I sent her a little reply email. I told her that even though Caboose was a Johnson fan, Hubby and Buddy were both Gordon fans.

    Mari replied back that her husband and son are Kenseth fans so she cheers for him, but she likes Gordon too. Sounds like Gordon is winning here. That should really rile some people up if they read the comments.

    Although Hubby didn't grow up watching Nascar, I watched the originial guys whose sons are all driving now, Cale Yarborough, etc.

  4. I see a Lincoln bobblehead! Nationals game? We have the set of the 4 racing presidents! Too funny!

  5. My husband was doing a DARPA internship for three months up in DC while we were stationed at Fort Eustis, and he convinced a friend to go to the game where they gave away the Jefferson bobbleheads. He said he'd pay for the ticket if the other guy would give him the bobblehead. The two boys have those. Then all four of the kids and I went up to DC for a week and took advantage of the furnished apartment they provided him. We hopped on the Metro and went all over the place and then when my husband got done for the day we all did stuff together. One night we went to the game where they gave away the Abe bobblehead, so we have six of those. Unfortunately, we don't have the entire set. We were trying to remember, but I think Abe won the race the night we were there, and of course Teddy got sidetracked by the hot dog vendor.


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