Sunday, July 26, 2009

Menu Plan Monday — July 27th

I missed my menu planning last week, although for the better part of the week I actually had it planned in my head. Yes, dangerous, I know. But it worked. Pretty well. We're back to paper this week, or would you just call this type? Anyway, you get the idea.

Monday — Caribbean Chicken (for the grill). I'm playing with this recipe a little, so I won't share it until I make sure it works. You'll know if it does since I usually drool in a post about the really good stuff.

TuesdayDeluxe Chicken Breasts. This is a recipe from a free card that came in the mail years ago that I kept to try sometime. Now's the time! I'll have to double it to have enough for everyone in my family.

WednesdayTacos, made with Homemade Taco Seasoning, my kids' favorite.

ThursdayTaco Salad, made with the leftover taco meat, since I always make extra and plan for this.

FridayGrilled Southwestern Pork Chops. Everyone in the family loves this marinade, and it's super easy!

Saturday — I'm trying a copycat recipe for TGI Friday's Pecan-Crusted Chicken Salad, my favorite. There are at least two copycat recipes on RecipeZaar (nearly identical) and one I found somewhere else, so if the first one doesn't work I guess I can keep trying. Of course I leave off the bleu cheese crumbles.

Sunday — We'll be eating lunch at church after the VBS program and a regular morning service, so that's our version of eating out this week.

Check out Laura, The Organizing Junkie, to get lots of great recipe and menu ideas.


  1. Once again I think I'll have to swipe one of your recipes...this time- The Grilled Southwestern Pork Chops!


    Have a fabulous week!

  2. enjoy VBS week :-) Thanks for posting your menu plan the delux chicken looks yummy! I never have paprika I think I need to add that to my grocery list for this week ;-)

  3. We are having tacos tonight. I asked my daughter to put quesadillas down for either tomorrow or Wednesday so we can use up our leftover meat.

  4. I love tacos but have never tried making my own seasoning. What do you use?

  5. Ahhh...I love Caribbean Chicken. What time shall I come over? LOL.


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