Sunday, July 5, 2009

Menu Plan Monday — July 6th

I'm looking forward to another week of grilling. One of the recipes from last week I will be using tomorrow. We had so much food in the fridge last week we ate leftovers more than even I could anticipate.

MondayBasil Grilled Chicken. This is super yummy and has lots of flavor. I have the chicken already thawed in the refrigerator, I just have to get the fresh basil. They were out at the store the other day, I guess in anticipation of the holiday.

TuesdayCajun Spice Rub on a meat to be chosen when I get to the store and see what's on sale. I haven't tried this but have had the recipe printed out for a while, so now that we have the grill I'm going to give it a go.

WednesdayLexington-Style Grilled Chicken. This is a new recipe and sounds really good. It makes a lot so we should have leftovers, too.

Thursday — Leftovers.

FridayMarinated Grilled Flank Steak. This also includes a recipe for BLT Smashed Potatoes. We'll see how adventuresome I get.

Saturday — Probably the Chicken Spaghetti I have the chicken for in the freezer. We're having company come to town on this day (I'll tell you more later) and it's a pretty easy dish to make and throw in the oven.

Sunday — Eat out since we ate in all week!

I hope some of the new grilling marinades work out, because I hope to grill some when we have company. This week I'm also going to try to make Homemade Drizzle Popcorn. I'll be nice to Hubby and not use peanut butter so he can have some though, unless we eat it all before he gets home from work!

For more great menu ideas and recipes, go visit Laura, The Organizing Junkie.


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