Sunday, August 30, 2009

Menu Plan Monday — August 31

I altered my menu plan last week for a couple of reasons, but the result is that I get to bring some of those dinners forward for this week. Hey, I'm not complaining. It makes for easier planning.

The first thing that threw me off was I bumped up the Chicken Supreme — the recipe that wasn't a casserole that I was turning into one. It worked out great and was yummy, but it used up all the cut up chicken I had in my freezer, which amounted to six cups. (One of the four-pound frozen bags of bone-in chicken breasts boiled and cut up will net you six cups of chicken. I verified it with the second bag I cooked on Friday night.) By the way, I'll give you the recipe at the end of the post for the Chicken Supreme.

The other thing that threw me off a little was that Sparky ended up having all four of her wisdom teeth extracted on Friday. We went in for our consult on Monday and didn't really expect to get an appointment the same week, but that's what I get for thinking. We've been doing some soups and soft foods for her.

Monday — Spaghetti. Sparky is still sore and needs soft food.

TuesdayChicken and Rice Casserole. If you click on the title it will take you back to last week's menu where I posted the recipe. I'll use the cut up chicken I prepared on Friday night.

Wednesday5-Minute Southwest Layered Salad. This may have to become our regular weekly meatless meal. We had it last week; I'm not just bringing it forward.

ThursdayImpossibly Easy Chicken Pot Pie. I didn't get to this last week either since I ran out of cut up chicken.

Friday — Leftovers; clean out the fridge and pantry.

Saturday — Beef little smokies wrapped in crescent rolls. I might make some little smokies wrapped in bacon with brown sugar, too. If I do I'll take a picture and share the recipe that way. I don't think for a second there is anything remotely healthy about them.

Sunday — Lunch at church for Labor Day!

When I boil my chicken to cut it up and freeze it for later use, I throw some spices in the water so the chicken isn't so bland. I usually throw in about a teaspoon each of sage, rosemary, thyme, and oregano, and then a sprinkle in some onion powder and garlic salt. When I say throw in, I use the word loosely since I don't actually get out the measuring spoon.

I'll give you the Chicken Supreme recipe the way it was originally written, and then I'll tell you what I did to make it a casserole.

Chicken Supreme
from my neighbor Sharon at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri

4-6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1 cup Waverly crackers, crushed
1/3 cup milk
1 cup grated Cheddar cheese
1 T lemon juice

Combine soup, mayo, milk, and lemon juice. Pour over chicken. Put 3/4 cheese on top of the chicken, top with crackers, and then top with the rest of the cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for one hour.

I used 6 cups of cooked, cut-up chicken. I doubled the rest of the recipe. I stirred up the chicken, soup, mayo, milk, and lemon juice and poured it all in a 9 x 13 casserole. Then I put cheese on the top, crushed an entire package of Club crackers on top of that, and then put some more cheese on top of it. Since my chicken was already cooked, it only took about 20 minutes or so for it to heat up.

For more great recipes, head over to The Organizing Junkie.


  1. Ooh, that layered salad looks great minus the beans. I might have to try it out!

  2. Hmm...I'm still getting my menu plans done for this week (yes, I'm behind:). I wanted to do something with chicken one night and I just may swipe this recipe! It looks really good!

  3. Thanks for taking the time to post this. I hope you will join me at Dining With Debbie for Crock Pot Wednesday. Mister Linky is up and ready for you to enter.


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