Tuesday, August 18, 2009

WFMW — Kitchen Scissors Sticking?

I have Pampered Chef kitchen scissors that are roughly five to seven years old. I use them primarily for cutting meat up, raw or cooked, although not at the same time.

These particular scissors are spring-loaded, so after you get done squeezing them they spring back on their own. I think it's supposed to make it easier on your hands by being more ergonomic. Personally, they are harder to squeeze in the first place so I think it's a trade-off, but I like them anyway.

Not too long ago they started getting kind of stuck in the squeezed position and weren't springing back on their own. I worked at them, kind of twisted on them thinking that the blades were off, but nothing really worked. Then I sort of had a brainstorm. Occasionally it does still happen.

Pam cooking spray — kind of like WD-40 for squeaky door hinges. I sprayed it in the area where the scissors rubbed together, squeezed them a few times, and they worked like new. I threw them in the dishwasher for a good cleaning and they were still great when they came out.

Every so often I have to spray them again now when they get a little stuck, but it works like a charm. Who knew Pam was WD-40 for your kitchen tools? Works for me.

Visit Kristen at We Are THAT Family for more great Works-For-Me-Wednesday tips.


  1. Great idea! I have those same scissors and mine are also about 6 years old. I'm going to try it!

  2. Great idea! I bet it makes for easier cleaning, too.

  3. good idea! I have 'Cutco' scissors...They come apart and I love THEM!!

  4. That's awesome. I'm sure WD-40 would have worked, but who wants to risk getting that in their food?

  5. Great idea. I'll have to remember this.

  6. brilliant! I'll have to try it.

  7. Thank you! My shears just stuck shut last night while I was using them and was looking for a solution or answer today. Just sprayed the cooking spray on them and they're perfect again! Great idea and thanks for sharing! :)


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