Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fall Decorating

One of the things I am most excited about this year is decorating for the holidays, primarily Christmas, but I've seen so many blogs lately where people are decorating for fall and it's really started me thinking — I need to do some seasonal decorating during the rest of the year.

Because we moved so frequently when Hubby was in the military it was not something that I really put much effort into. We never lived in a home that was large enough for our family plus had extra room for 'fluff.' For example, we didn't have a coffee table or end tables to put things on, we didn't have enough storage space to keep a lot of extra seasonal decorations, etc. The last two years in Virginia we didn't even have room to put up a Christmas tree.

I did have a few fall decorations that I pulled out. It was limited to five strands of leafy garland I bought in Illinois, a tole-painted Halloween basket I won playing Bunco in New Jersey, and a glass pumpkin and candy corn dish I picked up on sale last year at Kohl's. I shopped last week's Hobby Lobby sale on Saturday and then went back when the sale changed over on Monday. I only bought things that were on sale and that would cover the entire fall season, not just Halloween or Thanksgiving, except for maybe one bowl that we're using for Halloween candy. Let me give you a tour and show you the fall decorations.

This is an antique sideboard that sits to the right when you come in the front door. It is opposite the front coat closet and backs up to the stair wall that leads to the second floor. That's some of my old garland, and the bowl is what we'll use for Halloween candy. Maybe I can leave it out for the entire fall season. What do you think? Too Halloween looking or can I leave it out?

This is an antique lowboy that sits on the wall directly facing the front door. You see it immediately when you walk in. I just wrapped some of that old leafy garland I had around the base of the lamp.

This is the coffee table and side table in the living room. Again, old leafy garland with some new pieces: glass pumpkins and a glass leaf dish.

This is the bottom of the china cabinet that we repurposed and put behind the couch. Old leafy garland with those two cute dishes from Kohl's, plus the requisite somewhat black cat.

This is the cabinet with the whole hole picture, and I added a pumpkin and the tole-painted Halloween basket. At the beginning of November I'll replace the basket with a ceramic turkey that one of the kids painted during homeschool co-op in Illinois.

Last, this is my wreath. I got the adjustable height wreath hanger at Marshall's last year. It can go inside or outside, but I can't quite bring myself to put the wreath outside. I still want to figure out how to hang one from my door and then get or make a second one. That way I can always have one hanging in the house too.

Hobby Lobby had their wreaths half price, so I went ahead and got a pre-made wreath, then I bought some of the extra stuff on floral wire to make it thicker and bushier. That stuff was on sale too. I don't know what it's called, maybe floral embellishments, seasonal embellishments...I'm so guessing here, and so wrong, but you know what I mean. And this is what it looked like afterwards.

These weren't before and after pictures, just one is up closer than the other one to show you where it is in front of our fireplace.

Oops, the wreath wasn't last. I got to the end and I had one picture left. This cute little glass pumpkin. It could be a candy dish, but candy doesn't last in our house so I don't bother. It's sitting on one of the little tables in the dining room.

Football season has arrived, baseball season is wrapping up, the weather is getting cooler — okay, it's been cool all summer, but the days are getting shorter — so fall is definitely in the air, and now it's in my house! The most exciting thing is that my kids notice and they like it.

This post is linked to Get Inspired for Fall! at The Inspired Room and to Show and Tell Friday hosted by Kelli at There is no place like home.


  1. I think it looks really nice! I like the pumpkin bowl and the candy corn plate is really cute too!
    I've never decorated much for Fall either, but I have been seeing pictures in blogs and think I should do it too.

  2. Very fall-ish and festive! I have an antique sideboard just inside the front door, too! And it always has a candy dish on it. :)

  3. I like the white leafed bowl that's sitting beside your couch! I think you could use that for 'guest' know the candy you bring out when you know company's coming?! :)

    Oh and I think your wreath is very pretty!! Love the autumn colors.

  4. I leave my pumpkins (not the jack-o-lantern ones) and scarecrows up all fall and taken them down when Thanksgiving goes up. I think they work for both. I love your furnture and you've done a good job decorating for fall. Cindy

  5. I like what you did and the bowl can definitely stay out. I try to use mostly Fall type decorations like you but a Halloween one slips in every now and then.
    I think decorating seasonal or for other holidays is fun especially if you have children.
    We have an Anchor Hocking glass pumpkin dish from years ago. I usually fill it with candied corn. It doesn't last too long here either but it looks nice.
    Mama Bear

  6. I do have a few fall things, but I rarely remember to actually put it out since we don't really have a lot decorations anyway!

  7. Again, another scary we're so alike moment. I just did that yesterday...and I love FALL!

  8. Hi Jayren

    You have done a great job. Decorating for the fall season. Thanks for sharing and have a nice weekend.

  9. Everything looks lovely. I have gathered my Fall stuff together, now I just have to set it up.

  10. It all looks just marvelous! I really like the swag wrapped around the table lamp base! [And the kitty is a PURRfect touch in the one photo!!]....
    Guess what?----
    My show n tell is posted if you'd like to stop by's my dining room centerpiece I made for Autumn! [with mouseover captions]

  11. Good Morning Kayren

    I love the spelling of your name - very unique. Your fall decorations are great. And, yes I think that you can leave the pumpkin bowl up for Thanksgiving. You might even serve popcorn from it during one of the many football games.

    If you have time, please stop by The Old Parsonage, I love company.

    Enjoy your day!

  12. Everything looks just beautiful!!! I don't think the pumpkin bowl is too Halloweeny at all to leave out through Thanksgiving.

    I love decorating for fall and try to add some new things each year. I haven't started my fall decorating yet, though. Probably around the first day of fall. I'll put photos on my blog when I finally get the fall decor in place.

    Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my kitchen table too.

    God bless,

  13. Kayren,

    Wow, your house looks ever so fallish! I love your antique sideboard, it is beautiful. All of this has inspired me to go and get out my fall decor and see where I can put it!


  14. What a lovely fallish decoration.

    Your cat looks like a cutie!

    Warm regards from Chile,

  15. Everything looks so nice. I love all your pumpkins. I have a few fall decorations out....I have to find the rest! lol! You have a pretty cat. Thank you for sharing...have a lovely weekend!

  16. Great fall decor! I like to just use pumpkins and leaves so it's up until Christmas. Love the bowl! Definately leave it out. Jean

  17. Great fall decorations and love the low boy and the cat is adorable! We have an all black cat and he gets into everything. Nice to find your blog.

  18. Loved all your fall colors!
    Don't think the cat was too impressed with all the to-do!
    Thanks for sharing.

  19. Your home looks so warm and inviting. Love the way you decorated the antique pieces and I love the ceramic pumpkins!

  20. Love all your Fall blissfulness!


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