Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fall Touches

I had some little strips of ribbon left over from the hanging ties I made for my two fall wreaths. I didn't want to throw them away (the strips of ribbon, not the wreaths!) so I looked around for a place to use them. Here's what I ended up with.

I also have a cute little outdoor decorative flag I got last year on clearance at Kohl's before we moved into our house just waiting for this year to come around. Our association rules are pretty tight about what we can and cannot have in our yards and around our houses, but decorative flags are not mentioned. I still think it's cute and tasteful.

Now we just need to get pumpkins!


  1. very nice! :) and hey, i can't believe you have a countdown already to Christmas, yipes! it'll be here before we know it!

  2. Your decorations are looking very cute. Great way to use that ribbon too!


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