Sunday, September 13, 2009

Menu Plan Monday — September 14

I'm not ready to plan for a new week yet, but it's here, so I don't really have a choice if I want the week to run smoothly.

Monday — Clean out the fridge and pantry, because I haven't been to the store and won't be before dinner tonight.

TuesdaySloppy Joes.

Wednesday — Leftovers.

ThursdayChili Parmesan Chicken. I didn't get to this recipe last week.

FridayCheesy Spaghetti Bake.

Saturday — Leftovers.

Sunday — Eat out since we ate in all week!

This week I'll be making some Homemade Granola which I've made before and is yummy on top of vanilla yogurt. I'm also going to try making some Potato Flake Sourdough Starter to use in making homemade bread. I had to throw my starter out when we left New Jersey in 2000 and haven't had any since. It was given to me, so I've never actually tried to start starter. We'll see how it goes.

Go visit The Organizing Junkie for Menu Plan Monday!


  1. Yummy looking menu especially the chili parmesan chicken! Have a great week!

  2. Heard something neat today...that every cook cycles through approx. 21 of the same dishes. So, I sat down and tried to write out that many...only got to about 15. Maybe that's why my family is so bored. HAHAHA! How about you? Oh, and FYI...I'm stealing some of yours to try out and fill out my list!

  3. Yummy looking menu ...

    I just left a comment over at Mari's ... I think you and she should fly over and meet me at my Ikea ... ok ?



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