Sunday, September 27, 2009

Menu Plan Monday — September 28

We're going to have a full week of cool, fall weather here, and I'm ready to mix up my menu planning and bring in some cool weather meals. The boys in my house should probably get prepared for some new recipes too!

MondayChili. I need something quick for tonight since we have a late appointment and won't be home until about 6 p.m. I can cook the hamburger up earlier in the day to make preparation go faster.

Tuesday — Leftover chili and chili dogs (for those who prefer it that way).

WednesdayCountry-Style Pork Loin. I didn't make it over the weekend while the girls were gone and it's an easy slow-cooker meal. It makes the house smell good all day long!

ThursdayCrispy Yogurt Chicken. This is a new recipe I'm trying. I've never fried chicken, and this isn't quite fried chicken but is kind of close. I do homemade chicken strips which is the closest thing, but I wanted something a little different. I like to have options.

FridayEnchilada Casserole. I need something easy for this day, so I'm going to try another new recipe that looks quick and simple. I can also prepare this hamburger earlier in the day.

SaturdayBeef Stew. This is easily one of my favorite fall and winter meals.

Sunday — Eat out since we ate in all week!

Visit The Organizing Junkie for more great recipes and menu-planning ideas!


  1. Yes, the cooler temps are definitely inspiring in the kitchen:)

    And I see you have the Christmas countdown up...yikes! I was just thinking about that this week. I may need one again, too, to keep me on track:)

  2. The Beef Stew and Chili are just what I want when the temps get cooler.
    It's still in the 90's here so it will be awhile before I get those comfort food recipes out.
    You have some yummy recipes planned.
    I love MPM. I get so much inspiration from the participants.
    Well, I'm listening to The Closer episodes online. I hope you have a great week!

  3. That Christmas ticker makes me want to run screaming from the computer! ;)

  4. Enchilada casserole sounds good. Is Christmas really coming that fast?!

  5. I am having beef stew this week as well :)

  6. Excellent menu plans and pretty blog too :-)


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