Tuesday, September 1, 2009


This week is a themed Works-For-Me-Wednesday — our best organizational tip. Now I don't know that this is my best one, but it's one I haven't shared before.

A few months ago Laura (The Organizing Junkie) did a review on the new Peter Walsh [IN]PLACE SYSTEM. I love Peter Walsh, so I checked it out the next time I went to OfficeMax.

I'm using the File Tote as my 'launching pad' if you will. It houses all of the current papers that I need to have my hands on. I can also grab it as I walk out the door, and it's made of durable plastic so it doesn't get banged up.

I bought some very cute striped folders to go inside, just to jazz it up. Here are the five file folders I have inside the tote.

HOT — during ball season, this had the kids' ball schedules, field locations, and phone numbers. Now that Awana will be starting up, I'll keep the list of weekly activities and theme nights. That's just an idea of what might be in this folder.

TO DO, CALL, ETC. — This folder has the things in it that I need to take care of soon, but just couldn't at the moment I first put my hands on the piece of paper, probably when it came in the mail.

COUPONS — This holds large coupons like the ones that come from Bed, Bath & Beyond, or maybe sales flyers. I use my new Couponizer for most of my coupons.

BILLS TO PAY — Pretty self-explanatory.

TO FILE — This folder holds copies of the bills I've paid and also things that come in the mail that need to be filed without action. I file the things in this folder when the tote starts getting a little cramped for space.

Personally, I'm excited about this week's themed Works-For-Me-Wednesday. Go check it out at We Are THAT Family.

This post is also linked to The Organizing Junkie's Command Central Round-Up.


  1. You always have great organization things. I'm anxious to check out the others too!

  2. What a great tip! I love this little system you put in place. I tend to have loose papers here and there (even if they're all in one place), so having these labeled files would help out very much! Thanks for sharing!

  3. This is really nice! And I like the cheerful colors and patterns, too.

  4. That is a great little system. I love the cute file folders. I need to tackle my papers.


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