Sunday, October 25, 2009

Menu Plan Monday — October 26

This week I'm going to try for some meatless (or more meatless than usual) dishes as well as some new recipes. My boys especially are going to go down kicking and screaming with that one, but that's how we find new things we like. It's like the old adage, you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince. Well, in our case, you have to try a lot of new recipes to find one your whole family (or at least a strong majority) loves.

MondayBaked Potatoes with the fixings. We haven't had these for a while and the cool weather is just beckoning.

TuesdayHam and Beans. I haven't made these for an absolute eternity. It's probably been since Hubby's gout was so horrible when we lived in Illinois. It is under control fairly well now, so I think I'll give it a go. I use pinto beans, will fix Jiffy cornbread on the side (with about 1/3 cup sugar per box added to sweeten it up), and will try to find some ham piece to throw in for flavor. I will make it in my Crock Pot too. This will be the first time I've made it in a gargantuan one. I'll let you know how it goes.

Wednesday — I need some Cooked Ham for a recipe I'm making on Thursday, and we love it and haven't had it since probably Easter, so we're having Cooked Ham. It takes a long time to cook, so I always have to plan well for it.

Thursday — To stick with the potato and bean and ham theme that you didn't know was going on, I'm going to try a new recipe for Black Bean and Potato Soup. If you click on the link it will take you to Recipe Lion's 33 Hearty Slow Cooker Recipes eCookbook. You can download it and just look at it or save it to your computer (which is what I did). The recipe for this soup is on page 27. I'll probably triple this recipe, and when I do I may possibly cut down on the ham and increase the potatoes.

FridayLeftovers. I think we will probably have some from Wednesday and Thursday, and if we don't, I'll have to scramble and figure something out.

Saturday — Either Grilled Cheese Sandwiches or Breakfast for Dinner. We're going over to a friend's house for a Reformation Party in the evening and I know we'll have some apple cider donuts, so I want to leave plenty of room.

Sunday — Eat out since we ate in all week!

Find all the best menu plans and recipe ideas at The Organizing Junkie.


  1. I have 4 sons and I have thought about having one or two vegetarian meals on the menu every week to cut down the grocery bill.I have not done it yet.I can hear them whining in my head and am afraid to attempt it! Anyway,nice menu this week.God bless.

  2. I love the combo of black beans, ham and sweet potatoes :) The soup you have picked out sounds yummy.

  3. I love how you compare trying new recipes to kissing frogs. That is exactly how I feel.

  4. My husband and I love Beans and Ham. Now that it's cooler I'll have to break out the crockpot and start cooking.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog last week.
    Looks like you have a yummy week planned.
    Have a great Halloween or Harvest Festival!


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