Thursday, October 8, 2009

Theme Thursday — Collection

I have had a doll collection since before I knew I had one. My mom started it for me when I was young and it was added to over the years.

She had a few military friends who would send authentic dolls when they were stationed overseas. Plus she picked some up in early travels to Mexico and Hawaii. My grandparents got me a couple when they visited the Holy Lands in the '70s.

As an adult I've added very little to it. The five large porcelain Hummels I've added are the ones from mail-order and they are supposed to be limited edition. I just got them because I liked them, I doubt they have any significant value, and I got them before kids. The one on the far right is actually a plastic Hummel goose girl from Germany that my mom had her friend Pat get me.

Hubby and I also purchased the little miniature painted bronze Hummels. They are somewhere around 3/4 to 1 inch tall. I'm too lazy to get a ruler out just to tell you.

I took this picture right before we packed the boxes in Virginia over a year ago, but my collection hasn't changed so I just used the same pictures. Since we were short on space there, a lot of extra trinkets found their way inside the doll cabinet. You might have noticed them in the pictures. If you didn't, please don't go back and look, and if you did, pretend you didn't.

You can participate in Theme Thursday here.


  1. It's a fun collection and I like the fact that your Mom started it for you.

  2. you have quite the collection. i am sure several carry those special memories of how you acquired them. happy tt!

  3. I've never seen Hummels like that! You have a huge collection! :)

  4. Love the Hummels! We brought quite a few back from West Germany( wonder what my step-mom ever did with them? ). Mom has a few I've gotten her over the years, as well as some limited Barbies( hey! she's still a kid at heart ! )Happy TT :)

  5. Lovely collections..I too love the Hummels!!

  6. A wonderful collection. I visited a castle yesterday that had a collection of dolls and steam engines. I took so many photo's. Some of the dolls were 400 years old.

  7. Great collection! Sometimes, who got them for you is the most special thing about them, yes? :)

  8. That's a nice gift to have from your mother and others. Thanks for posting.

  9. You could have shared this post on Show&Tell Friday.
    Great collection.
    Mama Bear

  10. My mother started a porcelain angel collection for me. My aunt loved Hummels and I rec'd a number of those. I had quite a few china figurines on my shelves as a girl...well, two shelves full, plus dolls from around the world, much like yours. Interesting how similar we are at certain times in our lives.

  11. You're younger than me but my parents did the same. It seemed to be the thing to do in the 6o's when you came home from holidays . .buy a doll in national costume or a tea spoon! Mine are locked away in the red suitcase that contains my life! Bit spooky to put on display, you know they behave badly at night!


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