Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Theme Thursday — Late

photo courtesy of Flickr by Leo Reynolds

Here are a few common clichés we use here in the United States with the word late:

Cliché: Better late than never
Explanation: 1. It is better to conclude something late than never to conclude it.

Cliché: A day late and a dollar short
Explanation: 1. Just missing something by a narrow margin.

Cliché: It's never too late to learn
Explanation: 1. No matter how old you are, you can still learn new things.

And pretty much the only French phrase I remember from my one semester of French in college:

Je suis en retard. I am late.

I thought it was important to remember, although it's a trait I've worked hard on my entire adult life.

Are you a late person, an early person, or a just-on-time person?

Join up with Theme Thursday here.


  1. I'm usually an early person. I always tended to be just a little early, but I married someone who is chronically early! Now I often have no choice.

  2. got to be either early or one time...i am not one afraid to walk in late, just rather be there a little extra...happy tt!

  3. Yes I'm an early person normally, although sometimes I need to stretch reality to qualify as early. Happy TT

  4. On time, I suppose. When I was working third shift, that was a different story. ;)

  5. I'm a "Where the heck am I?" type of person. ;)

  6. I'm a 'I don't have to go, do I?' kind of person. -jayne

  7. I am an all of the above person...but I want to be just on time...sadly things don't always go as planned!

  8. Early is good. With a dollar to spare.


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