Thursday, December 17, 2009

Theme Thursday — History

I used to love going through my grandma's jewelry box that was in her vanity drawer. There really wasn't anything of value in there; I just enjoyed looking at everything with her. When I was getting a few things out for this week's theme, I realized I could have that much joy going through my own with my kids, even when I don't have anything of real monetary value. Here are a few of my special things from my history.

My great-grandma's birthday was on December 26th. Mine is on December 30th. I was the oldest great-grandchild born to the oldest grandchild. I don't know that any of that had a bearing on anything, but my grandma told me that I was admiring my great-grandma's birthstone (not real) ring that my great-grandpa had given her many years ago. I was five at the time. She apparently told my grandma right then and there (okay, maybe later when I wasn't around) that when she died that I was to have that ring. Here it is:

She died on the same day that the Challenger crashed. I'd been married about seven months, and she'd just had her 93rd birthday the previous month.

Here is the promise ring that Hubby gave me in high school:

The picture almost makes it look like a big diamond. Almost. But it's a bunch of tiny ones in a silver setting.

This is a ring he gave me for Christmas one year with sapphires, because they are blue, my favorite color.

And here are our high school rings. I have my birthstone, but since his is pink, he went with the school color of royal blue. Probably a good choice for a guy.

For more Theme Thursday participants, just click here.


  1. you post rings of history...smiles. a nice boys love taking a tour through Ts jewelry box...and hearing the stories behind each one. happy tt!

  2. Your rings are beautiful. The one from your great grandma is a treasure, just because of the history!

  3. Rings can record the history of people just as they record the history of trees. Happy Theme Thursday.

  4. Great idea! Thanks for the lovely history lesson!

  5. Great post! Thanks for sharing something so personal! And beautiful!

  6. Oh, well you know I love vintage jewelry..especially things of sentimental value. Wonderful take on the theme!


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