Monday, December 28, 2009

What a Difference a Year Makes

Or not.

This is Peka last January.

This was him as soon as it started getting really cold this winter.

As soon as I switched out and put my heavier duvet cover on the bed, he started getting up there to sleep during the day. It's fluffier and so he sinks into it more.

At least somebody, or something, has figured out how to acclimate in this weather.

I'm just a little jealous of the naps on my bed during the day.


  1. Smart cat! He's really a pretty cat too!

  2. What a cutie! LOVE the face in the bed pic!

  3. I know. These cats have it easy.

  4. Smokey likes to find warm spots like that, too. But most of the time he just gets under the cover. He has a throw in the middle of the sofa and he burrows under that or gets into my bed by going up under the part hanging down on the side.
    Mama Bear

  5. Your cat has sense! Just checking in to say hi! THought I would do my hellos to Followers! Hope your festivities went down well.
    Look forward to getting back to normal.
    Hugs and Love Suex


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