Thursday, January 14, 2010


Cindy is breaking the rules a little with Show and Tell Friday this week, so I am too. I'm such a follower sometimes (technically maybe this counts as showing my garden since I live in Michigan and I have no garden in the winter, just yard).

We finally got some significant snow.

It's been a much different winter than last winter was.

My kids have decided to move up from snowman building this year.

Maybe they just feel like they've acclimated and should move even further north to Alaska.

The girls went out and did a lot of work to keep that side from falling in, but it did anyway. They had a hole down to the bottom three rows.

They built it back up. This is how they packed the plastic boxes tight for the 'bricks.'

Here it is following the recovery work.

And here it is the following night after a day with the high temperature slightly above freezing and the sun shining on it.

It survived the night. We expected it to go down.

This is what happened with a high of 39 on Thursday.


This post is linked to Show and Tell Friday hosted by Cindy at My Romantic Home.


  1. looks so cold there! That igloo is so cool and what a lot of work that must have been!

  2. What a fun project! I hope it survives the "warm" weather!

  3. Hi kayren,

    looks like everybody is having fun to build the igloo. We dont have snow in my country. Thanks for sharing.

  4. wowwww, nice! they should win an award for that one! :)

    whew-weee! 39, nice warmup, huh?! :) it's even still 33 here in Chicagoland... above freezing, wow. what an exciting thing. :)

  5. What a fun time! Yup, it's getting warmer here in michigan. However, I must admit, I enjoyed the snow we got a few days ago. It was so pretty.

  6. How cool! I've always wanted to build a *real* snow igloo:) Looks like they had a great time building it!

  7. I miss snow!! Living in Myrtle Beach SC snow is a rarity!! is rarity even a word? LOL

  8. neato. next they'll have to make a Snow CAVE! and pack eachother all inside like sardines for you to take a picture of them all :)

  9. a snow igloo!!
    How cool is that?!!!

    My Show n Tell is posted now. Do come visit if you can find some time today. It's...


  10. Very nice igloo. Next time tell them to sprinkle it with water in the late afternoon and it will freeze overnight. That way it takes it a lot longer to melt.


  11. very sweet and I think it still fits in the "yard" category. lol

  12. This is soooo cute! I am so jealous right now. In Texas we are pouring rain... it's wet and super nasty! Thanks so much for sharing the igloo! -April

  13. Thanks for the book. I did a post on it today!


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