Friday, January 8, 2010

Flippin' Frittata

Tonight we had the Bacon and Tomato Frittata from my new Betty Crocker Quick & Easy Cookbook.

Except that it ended up being a Bacon Frittata. And I doubled the recipe to have enough for the six of us.

But, don't faint, I did include the onions.

My recipe calls for 8 eggs instead of using the egg in a carton like the link above (which means I used 16 eggs).

I kept lifting it to let the uncooked egg run to the bottom, but it just wasn't quite cutting it. So I did something the recipe didn't call for. I got out my huge pancake flipper and my egg flipper, and I flipped the frittata.

I used the pre-cooked bacon strips and just cut them up. I did put the cheese on before the bacon which was a good choice. The cheese was nice and melted and the bacon was crisp. I still only broiled it for 4 minutes since I'd used a big family-size pan so the thickness was comparable.

Not so pretty but it was yummy!

The eggs kind of fluffed up when it broiled. It tasted like a breakfast casserole I make without the potatoes. Everyone liked it a lot and cleaned their plates. There were no leftovers.

Definitely a keeper.


  1. Looks good! My hubby would be happy with the bacon!

  2. Mmm...looks yummy! I love egg dishes, such as quiche. I should make one soon...thanks for the reminder:)

  3. Yum! And it got pretty when you sprinkled on the bacon! :) It's 11pm and now I'm hungry..ha.

  4. that bacon looks real yummy! I haven't had supper yet :) now I'm drooling.

  5. ended up looking pretty good and I bet it did taste eggs though...that's a lot of eggs...there goes my colesterol count! :0)

  6. I've never attempted to make something like that. Looks tasty though!

  7. Yum! Looks fairly that. Did you have any leftovers?
    You have a lovely family by the way!


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