Tuesday, January 12, 2010

WFMW — Your pastry cutter isn't just for cutting pastry

When I have recipes that call for crushing things in bags, I usually end up breaking the bag open before I'm done crushing what's in it.

So one day I got smart.

I put whatever I need to crush in a bowl. I usually use glass because then it doesn't get scratched up (one of my clear plastic ones did before I realized it from some tortilla chips I was crushing). Here are some Corn Chex I was using in a recipe.

And that is my trick pictured with it — a pastry cutter!

Just crush to your heart's content until whatever you're crushing is how you need it.

I've done tortilla chips, crackers, cereal (corn flakes and now this)...the list is pretty much endless.

It works for me!

Check out Works-For-Me-Wednesday at We Are THAT Family.


  1. that's too smart! Why didn't i think of that!? Sometimes it's the most obvious thing that make the most difference

    Great to "meet" you!

  2. What a great idea! I'll be doing this the next time I need to crush something. Thanks!

  3. It's always great to discover a new use for a common tool. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Love it! This is a definitely a tip I can use (and it will turn my pastry cutter into a tool I use more often!)

  5. Great idea! Now I might actually USE my pastry cutter! =)

    Thanks for the tip! Found you via WFMW

  6. If only this would work for candy canes! That is what I make the biggest mess doing...

  7. What a great tip! So glad to have another use for mine :) And, I won't be wasting anymore plastic bags crushing things in them and then tossing them out!

  8. I use mine to crush boiled egg yolks to make stuffed eggs. Pastry cutters make the job so much faster !


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