Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Builder Beige Goes Blue

When you enter the house from the garage, you enter chaos.

We have a place for shoes and a coat, but it was sort of makeshift until we formally completed it into a mudroom area.

It was supposed to be a closet with two sliding doors and a wire hanging shelf, so basically a coat closet. It would have been nice to have, but we thought it would be better to have a spot for all the little people in our house (who aren't so little anymore) to sit and take off their shoes or put their shoes on when coming in or going out of the house.

A major build wasn't happening any time soon. I saw some pictures I liked that required much less construction that included some wall hooks and a long shelf with baskets.

I thought painting the area first would be a good idea.

But then I had to decide on a color, and it needed to at least not clash with the floor.

Since blue is my favorite color, and there are some blue shadings in the floor, I opted for blue.

I painted it on Sunday night after we got home from Awana.

Three of the kids have their shoe storage boxes/seating units right here.

Ignore the fact that I don't have a cute white shelf up above the hooks yet with some baskets for hats and stuff.

I liked the color so much, and it is right next to the powder room, so I decided I'd paint it the same color.

Like last night at 10:30 p.m. Until 2:30 a.m., because there are lots of crevices in a bathroom.

The bathroom is also not perfect. There is a white square behind the toilet tank where my brush wouldn't reach. I went in on all four sides as far as I could. Unless somebody stands above it and looks down, they won't see it. It's not worth taking the toilet out, and I don't have a longer brush right now.

I love it anyway!

(Still need a new light fixture.)

This is the what I see when I come in from the garage now.

I discovered I don't enjoy prep work, and that at 2:30 in the morning you don't care how much paint you get on your hands or wipe on your old pajama pants, as long as you don't get it on the cabinet, counter, toilet, or floor. Or hair or glasses.


  1. It looks great! The little entry room will be a blessing!
    I love the way you decorated the bathroom too. I've always like the Americana look.

  2. Oooo...I love it! We soooo share the same style! You better nail things down if I ever come visit. Just kidding!! I'm so with you about how you feel at the end of painting around 2 AM...HA!


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