Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Burlap Wreath

I found this burlap wreath tutorial via The Nester.

I started it with some burlap that I had, but I didn't have enough.

So Hubby had to stop and get some when he was out running an errand. Joanne's has multiple burlap colors, so he called me asking which color to get. I just had him get extra, that way if it didn't match I could start over and have enough.

It didn't match so I started over.

I don't know how Jennifer got by with only 5 strips. I used 7 strips (or maybe more, I forget now) that were 4" wide. They were the width of the burlap, which I think was a little more than 36". Maybe if I washed the burlap first, but I've never washed burlap (can you dry it?). It would probably make it not lose all those pokey, needle-y threads (or whatever you would call them) while you're working with it.

Still cute.

I have some burlap left. I think I'll try washing it now.

This post is linked to Show and Tell Friday hosted by Cindy at My Romantic Home.


  1. I saw that on The Nester too. Yours turned out great!

  2. That's really unique. Turned out great.

  3. I like it, you did a great job. I don't know about washing burlap. I think I would air dry it for sure, or it would be all over the inside of the dryer, probably. There must be an answer somewhere....
    Have a nice weekend.
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  4. I love it...and I may try it...but I don't think you can wash burlap...maybe by hand!

  5. Hi Daisy Girl!

    That wreath is a cute idea!

    Happy S&T friday!

    love, kelee at

  6. I've never tried to wash burlap either. I wonder if you should put it into a pillow case first? Those strings could just go everywhere if it falls apart.

  7. Great job on your burlap wreath.

    ~ Tracy

  8. That is quite lovely and very unique. I may have to try that.

  9. That looks great! I would think burlap would unravel quite a bit if you washed it.

  10. Cute wreath! Joan @Americana By Candlelight


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