Friday, February 19, 2010

We're Busy At Our House


Somebody is leaving the country tomorrow.


  1. I'll be praying for Sparky - this will be a big event in her life!
    Praying for you too, because no matter how wonderful the thing theh are doing, it's hard to send our kids off!

  2. Praying!!!! Glad to see the germX ready to go into the pack!! Praying for you too!!

  3. Wow! Will be praying!!!

    Thanks for making me feel better about my horrible bathroom. :)

  4. I know as a Mother you are anxious. She will be having such rich experiences. My Daughter, who is herself a Mother, went to Guatemala last year. She says it changed her life.
    Praying for all of you during this time.
    Mama Bear

  5. Safe travels and a wonderful trip of a lifetime to Sparky! :)

  6. My 9 year old daughter just returned from her first three night camp. I could hardly sleep and her siblings were missing her too. She hopes to one day pursue mission work and I cant begin to imagine how I would survive if she went on a trip like Sparky.

    How exciting to see that way God works in the lives of our children and the heart they have to serve Him and others. I will pray for you and your family and especially Sparky and those she is travelling with.

    Julie in Australia

  7. My son is a missionary and will be gone for two years (22 months more now). It's tough but they're doing an important work. It's tough on the mom too :) but I have to keep the big picture in mind. I'm here if you ever need to talk to someone who understands! Cindy


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