Thursday, March 25, 2010

Orange, Fuchsia, and a Machete

There were people coming by daily to sell things when Sparky was in Africa. It wasn't random though; it was planned.

At the beginning of the week a lady came by. If they wanted a bag made they were to pick small, medium, or large, and the two-color combination they wanted.

Sparky picked large and my favorite color combo, orange and fuchsia (although blue is my single favorite color).

Matches my Bible like a charm!

Look at all the intricate work.

I wish you could feel this bag. The person or people that make these bags must have very tough, calloused hands or very cut up hands. You know that white plastic rope that is stiff? It's like that but a thousand times stiffer. (Kind of like comparing Elmer's to Super Glue.) Yet it is woven tight like normal string would be woven. I can't even imagine how they do it.

Hubby got a cool gift. It was 'the only thing' Sparky could think of that he would like.

Remember that lady selling machetes in her Togo pictures? That's who she purchased this machete from.

I took a picture of it with my Blackberry so you could see how big it really is.

The kids feel pretty safe in the house now too.

For more Show and Tell Friday, visit Cindy at My Romantic Home (plus she lives in California and it's green there already!).


  1. She knows you well! And all men like knives!

  2. I love the bag! The machete kinda scares me.......LOL

  3. It's very green here! And the is SOME machete!

    m ^..^

  4. I love the pink and orange combo! It looks great!

  5. The bag is very intricate and great colours!.., I love orange and pink!

    I can well imagine that machete in a thick, lush green jungle setting.

    Pop over for another viait sometime;I will visit you soon to see what you'll post next!~ Fun!

    Cheers from Wanda Lee @ The Plumed Pen

  6. your bible bag is awesome!!

    And the machete? ----that would be a great gift for any man!

    Easter Egg Cup Collection is My show n tell Stop by if you can.

    Have a glorious weekend.

  7. Any man would love that machete but I prefer your lovely bag:)

  8. Perhaps I could borrow that machete to clear out some of the weeds that are already popping up in my garden, ha ha. Actually, the machete scares me too, but I do like that bag!

    Susan and Bentley

  9. How pretty! A lot of work went in to it. Thanks for sharing.

  10. That is a lovely bag and how wonderful that it matches your Bible too! Machetes? Must be a man thing! Thanks for sharing and Happy Friday to you.


  11. Really cute bag, and really cute blog. I love orange and pink together too.

  12. Your orange and fuchsia bag is beautiful! And the machete is pretty darn cool too!

    Kat :)

  13. I love the colors of the bag!

  14. Woh. the purse is so bright and the knife huge! I can't imagine how difficult it would have been to make THAT purse.

  15. We don't live in a jungle so Sweet Howard can't have a machete! :) They are to hack down tall tangled vines and such?
    The bag is lovely...yes, it is indeed a match! :)
    God bless and keep you safe from all harm. Hugs!


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