Thursday, April 15, 2010


My grandparents went on a visit to the Holy Land in 1975.

My mom recently looked in their three pictures albums they had from the trip and read me their itinerary. They hopped all over the place and back again. Today I'm sharing one of the things they brought back for me.

It's a red letter New Testament with ivory overlaying not only the front, but the back. What you see is individually pieced.

You can tell here in my hand that it's fairly small.

The inscription is the most precious part.

It has my name (maiden, of course) and then my grandparents' names below that.

For more Show and Tell Friday treasures, visit Cindy at My Romantic Home.


  1. That's beautiful, Kayren. My parents have been to the Holy Land, but I haven't had a chance to go (yet!).

    P.S. I wanted to make sure you got the worm info...did you?

  2. What a treasure! The inscription on the front adds so much value!

  3. Wow, that is so beautiful and unique!

  4. What a special gift to cherish!


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