Monday, April 19, 2010

Menu Plan Monday — April 19

Hubby's in town for the first time in three weeks! I hope to do a better job of sticking to my menu plan this week than I have the last two weeks.

I guess now might be a good time to confess I didn't even have one last week though.

MondayBreakfast for dinner, unless I can find something else to make with what I have. I don't have the van today, I haven't shopped for serious groceries in over two weeks, and my refrigerator is very sparse. Top that with Buddy having ball practice at 5:30 and it's pretty much a recipe for disaster. I almost have to plan Monday the week before.

TuesdayEnchilada Casserole. This is a new recipe for us. I had it on the menu a while back and never got it made, and since I have some hamburger in the freezer already cooked, this would be a good time. I just need to get the other ingredients.

WednesdayLeftovers or Baked Potato Bar if there aren't any from Tuesday.

Thursday5-Minute Southwest Layered Salad.

Friday — Dinner at family friend's house.

SaturdayHamburgers and Hot Dogs on the grill.

Sunday — We should have leftovers from Saturday. Then we'll have Dairy Queen on the way home from church at night after Awana.

For hundreds of menu plans, visit Menu Plan Monday.


  1. Great looking menu! That enchilada casserole sounds delish!

    Have a great week!

  2. Sounds like my house and I didn't shop today either. I will probably do so on Thursday to be ready for Honey Bear's homecoming on Friday.
    I have a chicken enchilada casserole recipe that I love. I've not made it in a while. Maybe I'll add that to my menu for the weekend.
    Have a good week.
    Mama Bear


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