Monday, April 5, 2010

Menu Plan Monday — April 5

Hubby will be gone to sunny California most of the week, so we'll be eating some leftovers from Easter and then having some kid-friendly food through Thursday. Maybe when he comes home we can break out the grill for the first time!

MondayLeftover ham from Sunday. There is a lot, so I'll probably chop up the rest and freeze it to use later in soups.

TuesdayPinto beans and ham in the crock pot. I'll rinse the beans tonight and soak them overnight. Then tomorrow morning I'll put them in the crock pot on low with fresh water just covering them and add some of the leftover ham for flavoring. It thickens as the day goes on. This is great served with Jiffy cornbread as a side (I put some sugar in the mix, and then after I stir it all together I let it sit in the bowl for about five minutes before I put it in the pan or muffin cups).

WednesdayMexican Chicken Skillet. This is a new recipe for us to try.

Thursday5-Minute Southwest Layered Salad.

Friday — Hubby will be home, but I might not be here for dinner. This one is TBD.

SaturdayBurgers on the grill for the first time this year! Here's the link to the menu plan where I said how Hubby does a juicy burger.

Sunday — Leftover burgers, or eat out since we ate in all week!

Find hundreds of menu plan and recipe links at The Organizing Junkie.


  1. Nothing better than a grilled burger as the weather turns lovely-- I enjoyed reading your hubby's method too. We love worcerstershire around here!

  2. Hi! Stopping by from Menu Plan Monday. That Mexican Chicken Skillet recipe sounds great - I may have to try it next week. We could never eat enough Mexican food in our house! :)

    Come visit me if you get a chance - I'm at

  3. The Ham and beans sound good but I donno if I could get the boys to eat it.

  4. yea for grilling!! spring is here :)


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