Friday, May 7, 2010

May Clutter Update

I'm calling it clutter, because it is taking up space in our house and we are finding a way to get it out of our house. Most of it is all perfectly good stuff. It's just gotten out of control. I've enabled a certain 10 year old packrat in my house, but at the same time I don't want to warp him for life just getting rid of it, so we're taking steps.

If you read the end of my April clutter post, you'll probably understand a little bit better what I mean by that. To save you a click, by finding something he'd been missing since the beginning of the year that was very important to him, he realizes many other things are just taking up space and keeping him from being able to find items when he wants them.

He's also decided he's embarrassed when company comes over and sees how many stuffed animals he has. Not that he's embarrassed he has stuffed animals, just the quantity.

We'll be inviting company over even more often.

I've been listing items on ebay this month. So far I've had six close, five paid, and five shipped out. I have 29 current auctions still ongoing.

Of the five auctions that closed that I've shipped and gotten out of my house, here's the tally:

20 Homemade Gourmet items (wrought iron, recipe card sets, etc.)
3 Longaberger pieces
125 Imaginext items (sets and accessories - it's more than this, but I didn't count every single little piece) in two different auctions
45 Rescue Heroes and accessories

That's 193 things out of my house that were taking up space!

I'm not even done yet!

Picture courtesy of flickr.


  1. Good for you! Heather and I were just cleaning in our basement and decided it was time for a garage sale. Usually I just give things to our local thrift store, but I have some bigger items to get rid of.
    I have Longaberger baskets to sell. Have you had pretty good luck in selling them? And how do you come up with a price?

  2. Wow! I am impressed! I have some things that I really need to get rid of~I've even been sorting them. I've thought about a yard sale, but I probably couldn't get to it until next month. Maybe I can get someone to do a joint yard sale with me:)

  3. WOOHOO! WTG! Doesn't it feel better to free up clutter?! :D

  4. I'm having a garage sale later in the month...tell Caboose he's doing a great job. Clutter can control you and the older you get the worse it controls! ha.

  5. Happy Mother's Day, Kayren! Hope your kids treat you well tomorrow! :)


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